Results: 794

Oito semanas de intervenção coordenativa é capaz de modular a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca em idosos?

RESUMO Diversas intervenções têm sido relatadas na literatura com intuito de modular o comportamento da Variabilidade da Frequência Cardíaca (VFC) em idosos. Entretanto a maioria deles são focados em capacidades físicas condicionantes. Pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos que um treinamento coordenativo...

Intervenção em psicossociologia: a construção da escuta e a implicação nas organizações

RESUMO. A psicossociologia oferece um arcabouço teórico-metodológico profícuo à compreensão e exploração das relações entre os conflitos vividos no cenário laboral atual, o sofrimento dos trabalhadores e as contradições organizacionais. Nessa esteira, o objetivo desse estudo é compreender c...

Beliefs related to oral antidiabetic use among individuals with diabetes

Abstract Objective: To identify beliefs related to oral antidiabetic use among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus, based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Method: This is a descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study conducted with 32 participants using oral antidiabetic drugs. Data was col...

Dietary supplements in fitness centers: body management and health risks

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to explore the meanings of supplement use among those who engage in physical activity in fitness centers. A qualitative study was carried out based on 67 questionnaires answered on the internet by practitioners of physical training. There was also an observation of ...

Teacher Behavior Checklist: Psychometric Evidence in Teacher Evaluation by Brazilian University Students

Abstract Performance evaluations help university teachers to improve teaching, especially when based on internationally recognized criteria. This study aimed to carry out a cross-cultural adaptation of the Teacher Behavior Checklist (TBC) for Brazilian students to evaluate their teachers (Study 1) and in...

Protection and Risk for Different School Stress Trajectories

Abstract The study of chronic stress, potentially harmful to development, resents the focus of research on modal trends, not discriminating individual trajectories of chronicity. This study aimed to associate groups differentiated by the trajectory of stress, in children from the 1st to the 3rd year of E...

Academic Procrastination: Relationships with Support from the Environment and Self-Leadership

Abstract Procrastination is the behavior related to voluntary delays at the beginning or end of tasks and in decision making. The aim of this study was to evaluate the mediational effect of self-leadership strategies on the relationship between academic procrastination and support from the environment. A...

Problemas de comportamiento y recurso prosocial en la evaluación de madres y profesoras

Psicol. esc. educ; 24 (), 2020
Os problemas de comportamento das crianças podem ser internalizantes ou externalizantes, sendo os últimos mais comumente mencionados pelos pais e professores como fator de incômodo. Tem-se como objetivo comparar a avaliação de indicadores de problemas de comportamento e de recurso pró-social de esc...