Results: 3961

Prevalencia de las patologias de la columna vertebral. Sus medidas preventivas
The prevalence of spinal column pathologies. Preventive measures

It has been observed that a high percentage of students present problems with the spinal column; this is due to the lack of prevention in the activities of daily life and in hospitals' practice. Added to this, is the presence of a large percentage of alterations of the feet. This coincides with our hypot...

Estudio antropometrico de escolares de Palo Blanco, Departamento Tinogasta, Provincia de Catamarca, Argentina
Anthropometric study of students of Palo Blanco, Department of Tinogasta, Province of Catamarca, Argentina

An anthropometric cross-sectional research was carried out in 211 students from Palo Blanco, in Tinogasta, Catamarca province. They were 110 boys and 101 girls aged 6-12 years, and they attended classes at the local school. Palo Blanco is a rural place, in a "very unfavorable" area, located on the west o...

Biología y resultados alejados de los trasplantes óseos masivos

La intención del cirujano al efectuar trasplantes óseos masivos es obtener una progresiva incorporación biológica del mismo. Se ilustra evidencia histológica de la revascularización del trasplante y posterior aposición de nuevo hueso, fenómeno variable de acuerdo con cada caso, relacionado con fa...