Results: 1380

Correlação entre a Espessura do Músculo Adutor do Polegar e o Estado Nutricional

Rev. bras. cancerol; 66 (4), 2020
Introdução: A desnutrição é altamente prevalente na população oncológica e aumenta a morbidade e mortalidade nos estágios avançados da doença. A espessura do músculo adutor do polegar (EMAP) parece ser uma variável importante para avaliar o compartimento muscular. Objetivo: Estabelecer um ...

Qualidade da dieta medida pela ESQUADA e sua associação com fatores sociodemográficos e parâmetros antropométricos de adultos residentes nas cidades de Teresina e Picos, no Piauí

Introdução - A avaliação da qualidade da dieta é uma importante estratégia para gerar informações que subsidiem ações e planejamento em saúde voltados para promoção de hábitos alimentares saudáveis. A mudança de paradigma alimentar com a publicação do Guia Alimentar para a População B...

Health outcomes of the bolsa família program among Brazilian Amazonian children

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE One of the primary objectives of Brazil's conditional cash transfer program, Bolsa Família, is to break the intergenerational transmission of poverty by improving human capital via conditionalities. In this study, we hypothesized that health indicators of Bolsa Família participants...

Relationship between anthropometric indicators and risk factors for cardiovascular disease in adults and older adults of Rio Branco, Acre

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between anthropometric variables and cardiovascular risk factors in adults and older adults of Rio Branco, Acre. METHODS A population-based cross-sectional study with 641 adults and 957 older adults was conducted. The statistical analyses consisted of the d...

Association between food intake and anthropometric and metabolic profile of brazilian adult women

Rev. cientif. cienc. med; 23 (2), 2020
INTRODUCTION: alterations in the lipid, glycemic and hemodynamic profile may increase the risk of developing chronic diseases and mortality. OBJECTIVE: associate the metabolic and anthropometric parameters and food intake of Brazilian adult women. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was conducted with 34 Br...

Stature estimate of children with cerebral palsy through segmental measures: a systematic review

ABSTRACT Objective: To review studies that evaluate the correspondence between the estimate height via segmental measures and the actual height of children with cerebral palsy. Data sources: Systematic literature review between 1995-2018, guided by the PRISMA criteria (Preferred Reporting Items for Sys...

La vertical verdadera al punto A´(blando), al Pg´(blando), al Labrale superior y al Labrale inferior en posición ideal asistida de la cabeza (PIAC)
The true vertical from point A´(soft), to Pg´ (soft), to superior Labrale and inferior Labrale in Ideal Assisted Head Position (PIAC)

El 81,3% de una encuesta realizada a 96 ortodoncistas y ortopedistas calificados y técnicos radiólogos consultados informan que ubican la cabeza del paciente en una posición ideal, subjetiva del profesional instruido que lo asiste, ya que muchas de sus fotografías y telerradiografías no son posicion...

Relationship Between Body Mass Index and Dental Age in 8-15-Year-Old Orthodontic Patients

Abstract Objective: To investigate the relationship between Body Mass Index (BMI) and dental age in 8-15-year-old orthodontic patients. Material and Methods: Forty-eight children (25 males, 23 females) aged 8-15 years requiring orthodontic treatment participated in this retrospective study. The dental ...

Association between dental caries, odontogenic infections, oral hygiene status and anthropometric measurements of children in Lagos, Nigeria

Braz. j. oral sci; 19 (), 2020
Dental caries is a significant public health problem afflicting about a third of the world’s population which impacts nutrition, quality of life and systemic health. Aim: We explored associations between dental caries, odontogenic infections, oral hygiene and anthropometric measurements of children in ...

Crecimiento y maduración biológica asociados al desempeño físico del joven atleta
Biological growth and maturation associated with physical performance of the young athlete

An. venez. nutr; 33 (1), 2020
El análisis de la interfase entre función orgánica y física tiene una raíz histórica de larga data por parte de los especialistas en morfología humana en el campo de la salud y ciencias del deporte. En la actualidad cuando en décadas recientes se ha incrementado el descenso de la edad de los part...