Results: 5174

Occurrence of dermoid cyst in the floor of the mouth: the importance of differential diagnosis in pediatric patients

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (3), 2017
Abstract Lesions in the floor of the mouth can be a challenging diagnosis due to the variety of pathological conditions that might be found in this area. Within a broad range of lesions, attention has to be addressed to those that require specific management, such as a dermoid cyst (DC) and a ranula. Esp...

Clinical trial for evaluation of Ricinus communis and sodium hypochlorite as denture cleanser

J. appl. oral sci; 25 (3), 2017
Abstract The development of opportunistic infections due to poor denture hygiene conditions justified the search for effective hygiene protocols for controlling denture biofilm. Objective This study evaluated Ricinus communis and sodium hypochlorite solutions in terms of biofilm removal ability, remiss...

Colgajo fasciocutáneo sural para la cobertura del tercio distal de pierna y pie
Fasciocutaneous sural flap for soft tissue coverage in the third distal leg, ankle and foot

Introducción: Los traumatismos de alta energía en miembros inferiores se asocian, con frecuencia, a defectos de partes blandas y su reconstrucción puede presentarse como una tarea desafiante. En el extremo distal de la pierna y el pie, los colgajos de perforantes representan la mejor opción de cobert...

Zidovudine/Lamivudine vs. Abacavir/Lamivudine vs. Tenofovir/Emtricitabine in fixed-dose combinations as initial treatment for HIV patients: a systematic review and network meta-analysis

Colomb. med; 48 (2), 2017
Abstract Introduction: Initial treatment of the HIV is based on the use of three drugs, two of which are nucleoside analog reverse-transcriptase inhibitors. There are three combinations of these drugs which have been approved by different guidelines, each with divergent results in terms of efficacy and...

Bevacizumab as a treatment for hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia in children: a case report

Colomb. med; 48 (2), 2017
Abstract Case description: Five-year-old female patient with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia. Clinical Findings: Deterioration of cardiopulmonary function with higher oxygen requirements secondary to pulmonary arteriovenous shunts, epistaxis. Treatment and Outcome: The patient was treated with...

S-(+)-ketamine-induced dissociative symptoms as a traumatic experience in patients with treatment-resistant depression

Evaluación del dolor, función y complicaciones posteriores a la descompresión del neuroma de Morton con abordaje dorsal por mínima invasión en 16 pacientes

Acta ortop. mex; 31 (3), 2017
Resumen: Antecedentes: El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el dolor, la función y las complicaciones posteriores a la descompresión del neuroma de Morton con abordaje dorsal por mínima invasión. Método y resultados: Se estudiaron 19 descompresiones en 16 pacientes, en quienes se llevó a cabo...

Evaluación ultrasonográfica del tendón de Aquiles en niños con pie equino varo aducto congénito posterior a tenotomía de Aquiles con el método de Ponseti. Seguimiento a 12 semanas

Acta ortop. mex; 31 (3), 2017
Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar el tiempo de curación del tendón de Aquiles en pacientes pediátricos tratados mediante tenotomía de Aquiles con método Ponseti en el Hospital Shriners para Niños de México, AC. Material y métodos: Estudio experimental, analítico, prospectivo, longitudinal de pac...

Utilización de propóleos en heridas complejas
Use of propolis in complex wounds

Rev. argent. cir. plást; 23 (2), 2017
El tratamiento de las heridas complejas es una problemática de difícil resolución para todo aquel que se ocupa específi camente de ellas, debido a la insufi ciente respuesta terapéutica a los productos usuales en determinados casos. El Propóleos forma parte de las terapias naturales con reconocidas...

A new optical intra-tissue fiber irradiation ALA-PDT in the treatment of acne vulgaris in rabbit model: improved safety and tolerability

An. bras. dermatol; 92 (3), 2017
Abstract Background: Photodynamic therapy with topical aminolevulinic acid (ALA-PDT) has been suggested to be effective in treatment of acne vulgaris. However, adverse events occur during and after treatment. Objectives: To compare the efficacy and tolerability of optical intra-tissue fiber irradiation...