Abstract Mammals captured in the Serra dos Órgãos National Park (PARNASO) and the Pedra Branca State Park (PBSP) between 2012 and 2015 were examined for the presence of ticks. In total, 140 mammals were examined, and 34 specimens were found to be parasitized by ticks. Didelphis aurita, Akodon montensi...
Abstract Ornithocoris toledoi is a hematophagous insect that parasites birds, particularly, galliformes. Although the occurrence of this arthropod is relatively low in Brazil, this is an important ectoparasite associated with backyarding poultry. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence o...
Abstract The aim of this study was to identify possible infection of Toxoplasma gondii among cats in a shelter and a set of condominiums in the city of Rio de Janeiro, through changes to the cats' serological status between two different times in 2014 and 2015. One group was made up of captive cats at t...
OBJETIVO: Caracterizar o perfil de mortalidade por câncer
de cavidade oral. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal, descritivo e
retrospectivo construído por meio de dados obtidos na plataforma
do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de
Saúde (DATASUS) em um recorte de 5 anos (2012-2017). O
nível de ...
La microcefalia se define como un perímetro cefálico de más de dos desviaciones estándar por debajo de la media para edad y sexo. Es un importante signo neurológico y predictor de discapacidad futura. Una de las dificultades de su diagnóstico radica en los rangos de referencia del perímetro cefál...
Objective: The effects of exposure to violent events in adolescence have not been sufficiently studied in middle-income countries such as Brazil. The aims of this study are to investigate the prevalence of psychiatric disorders among 12-year-olds in two neighborhoods with different socioeconomic status (...
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever um caso de sífilis congênita com diagnóstico tardio e identificar as oportunidades perdidas nas diversas fases/níveis da atenção à saúde, que retardaram a realização do diagnóstico. Descrição do caso: Menino, 34 dias de vida, encaminhado da Unidade Básica de S...