Resumo Objetivo: analisar a tendência temporal e a distribuição espacial dos casos de violência letal contra mulheres no Brasil, segundo faixa etária e raça/cor. Método: estudo ecológico, de séries temporais, com distribuição espacial dos óbitos de mulheres vítimas de agressão, cadastra...
Resumo Objetivo: avaliar a associação da Síndrome Metabólica e dos seus componentes entre os profissionais de Enfermagem da Atenção Primária à Saúde do estado da Bahia, Brasil, segundo a categoria profissional. Método: estudo transversal, populacional e multicêntrico conduzido com 1.125 prof...
Resumo Fundamentos A alimentação saudável é um fator de proteção contra o diabetes tipo 2 e desempenha importante papel no tratamento do diabetes e das comorbidades associadas. Objetivo Caracterizar o hábito alimentar de idosos diabéticos e não diabéticos com 65 anos ou mais, residentes nas...
Carneiro, Priscilla Gomes;
Sasse, João Pedro;
Silva, Ana Clécia dos Santos;
Seixas, Mércia de;
Paschoal, Aline Ticiani Pereira;
Minutti, Ana Flávia;
Martins, Thais Agostinho;
Cardim, Sérgio Tosi;
Rodrigues, Fernando de Souza;
Barros, Luiz Daniel de;
Garcia, João Luis.
Abstract The present study aimed to perform an epidemiological and morphological identification of Eimeria infection in sheep in Brazil. Fecal samples from sheep were collected from 20 farms in northern Paraná, Brazil. An epidemiological questionnaire was used to evaluate the risk factors. Fecal samples...
Abstract We performed coproparasitological testing of free-living golden-headed lion tamarins, Leontopithecus chrysomelas, using the Hoffmann-Pons-Janner method. In total, we collected 118 samples from ten groups: four living in Federal Protected Area and six living in Non-Protected Areas of cocoa farms....
Abstract Feline Bartonella can be transmitted to humans through cat scratches or bites, and between cats, by the flea Ctenocephalides felis. The study was carried out in order to investigate the occurrence of Bartonella DNA in cats living in shelters and their ectoparasites and the relationship between t...
Abstract This study aimed to verify the occurrence of Dioctophyme renale in stray dogs in the city of Pelotas, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico of the Universidade Federal de Pelotas received 146 wandering dogs for necropsy, sent by the City Hall of Pel...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To estimate the relative risk (RR) of death associated with obesity, the attributable fraction in the exposed/with obesity (AFo), and the hospitalized population attributable risk (hospitalized PAR) associated with obesity of death among all adults and among Black and non-Black adul...
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To investigate the use of health services among adults living in Manaus, Amazonas. METHODS This was a panel of two cross-sectional studies conducted in Manaus in 2015 and 2019. Individuals aged ≥ 18 years were selected by probabilistic sampling and interviewed at home. The st...