Results: 409

Desenvolvimento sustentável e governança global em saúde: da Rio+20 aos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS) pós-2015

RECIIS (Online); 6 (3), 2012
Os autores examinam o documento resultante da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Desenvolvimento Sustentável (CNUDS), conhecida como Rio+20, realizada em junho de 2012 analisando o papel da economia verde no processo de desenvolvimento e na erradicação da pobreza, bem como os requisitos para uma g...

Human security, multi-polarity, and development assistance for health

Glob. Health Gov; 6 (1), 2012
Development assistance for health (DAH) constitutes a critical vehicle of collective action in global health, one that has seen the rise and involvement of emerging powers like India and China. Through their DAH, both countries actively seek to widen their global health footprint. This paper measures Chi...

Understanding brazilian Global Health Diplomacy: social health movements, institutional infiltration, and the geopolitics of accessing HIV/AIDS medication

Glob. Health Gov; 6 (1), 2012
Global Health Diplomacy (GHD) is a new area of scholarly research. While much has been written on this topic, to date few have analyzed the social and political origins of GHD processes and their outcomes. Using the case of Brazil as illustration, in this article I carefully analyze the historical social...

Bioethics and transnational medical travel: India, "medical tourism," and the globalisation of healthcare

Indian J Med Ethics; 8 (1), 2011
Health-related travel, also referred to as "medical tourism" is historically well-known. Its emerging contemporary form suggests the development of a form of globalised for-profit healthcare. Medical tourism to India, the focus of a recent conference in Canada, provides an example of the globalisation of...

Riesgo cardiovascular global consultorio 3: Área de salud de Guanabo 2008
Global cardiovascular risk. Consulting 3: Guanabo health locality 2008

Rev. habanera cienc. méd; 9 (supl.5), 2010
Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con el objetivo de determinar algunos factores de riesgo aterogénicos en la población perteneciente al consultorio médico 3 del Policlínico Docente Dr. Mario Muñoz Monroy, situado en la localidad de Guanabo, municipio Habana del Este, durante e...

Framing AIDS: Securitization, Development-ization, Rights-ization

Glob Health Gov; 4 (1), 2010
What determines whether or not global health problems become global political priorities? In recent years the global health governance literature, drawing on earlier constructivist work on ‘framing,’ has begun to examine precisely these issues and to develop more nuanced explanations of prioritizatio...

Salud y desarrollo en el mundo: emisiones de CO2 versus los indicadores de saneamiento y educación
Health and development in the world: CO2 emissions versus sanitation and education indicators

Objetivos: Analizar si las emisiones de CO2 per-cápita por país tienen o no mayor asociación con los indicadores de desarrollo y salud, en comparación con las coberturas porcentaje de cobertura de agua por cañería, PAC y saneamiento, en 106 países del mundo. Materiales y métodos: usando una muest...

Herbal medicine research and global health: an ethical analysis

Bull World Health Organ; 86 (8), 2008
Governments, international agencies and corporations are increasingly investing in traditional herbal medicine research. Yet little literature addresses ethical challenges in this research. In this paper, we apply concepts in a comprehensive ethical framework for clinical re...