Results: 5437

Endoparasites in domestic animals surrounding an Atlantic Forest remnant, in São Paulo State, Brazil

Abstract Morro do Diabo State Park (MDSP) is a significant remnant of the Atlantic Rain Forest in Brazil and is surrounded by rural properties. In that area, wild and domestic animals and humans are in close contact, which facilitates the two-way flow of infectious diseases among them. We assessed endopa...

Acuariidae (Nematoda) in Procellariiformes (Aves) on the southern coast of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Abstract Acuariidae nematodes are normally found in the digestive tract of aquatic birds, including Procellariiformes. Were examined Calonectris borealis (n = 4), Diomedea exulans (n = 1), Macronectes giganteus (n = 8), Thalassarche chlororhynchos (n = 5), Thalassarche melanophrys (n = 15), Procellaria a...

Dynamics of natural infection by Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in dairy cattle from an enzootic instability area in Northeastern Brazil

Abstract This study aimed to determine the dynamics of natural infection in the transmission of Babesia spp. to cattle in an enzootic instability area in Northeastern Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 30 calves located on two dairy farms to determine the packed cell volume (PCV) and the timing of...

Neospora caninum in properties in the west region of Paraná, Brazil: prevalence and risk factors

Abstract Neospora caninum is a heteroxenous protozoa, whose definitive hosts are canids and intermediate hosts are herbivores, and is of great importance in cattle. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of N. caninum in dairy cattle and dogs, to detect the presence of the protozoa...

Human leishmaniasis in Brazil: A general review

Summary Leishmaniasis is a disease with ample clinical spectrum and epidemiological diversity and is considered a major public health problem. This article presents an overview of the transmission cycles, host-parasite interactions, clinical, histological and immunological aspects, diagnosis and treatmen...

Dental fluorosis treatment can improve the individuals' ohrqol? results from a randomized clinical trial

Braz. dent. j; 29 (2), 2018
Abstract This study aimed to evaluate the effect on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of two treatment protocols for dental fluorosis in individuals enrolled in a randomized clinical trial. Seventy volunteers, who lived in a fluorosis endemic area in Brazil, and had at least four maxillary ant...

What increases the risk of dental traumatism in patients with developmental disabilities?

Braz. dent. j; 29 (2), 2018
Abstract This study investigated risk factors for tooth injuries in individuals from a dental clinical reference service for patients with special needs in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. This is a retrospective cohort study that evaluated 493 dental charts of individuals with or without tooth injuries at th...

Prevalence of and factors associated with actinic cheilitis in extractive mining workers

Braz. dent. j; 29 (2), 2018
Abstract The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of actinic cheilitis among extractive mining workers and factors associated with the condition, especially the relationship between clinical appearance and the length of occupational exposure to sunlight. A cross-sectional study ...

Sports Practices and Cardiovascular Risk in Teenagers

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (3), 2018
Abstract Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of deaths in the world, and many events could be prevented by healthy life habits. Objectives: To compare the occurrence of cardiovascular risk factors in adolescents enrolled at public schools in the city of Rio de Janeiro, including a...