Results: 4434

Why is SARS-CoV-2 infection milder among children?

Clinics; 75 (), 2020

Lung cancer and the COVID-19 pandemic: recommendations from the brazilian thoracic oncology group

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
New cases of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), also known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), continue to rise worldwide following the declaration of a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The current pandemic has completely altered the workflow of he...

Characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU in a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil - study protocol

Ferreira, Juliana C; Ho, Yeh-Li; Besen, Bruno A M P; Malbuisson, Luiz M S; Taniguchi, Leandro U; Mendes, Pedro V; Costa, Eduardo L V; Park, Marcelo; Daltro-Oliveira, Renato; Roepke, Roberta M L; Silva Jr, João M; Carmona, Maria José C; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro; Hirota, Adriana; Kanasiro, Alberto Kendy; Crescenzi, Alessandra; Fernandes, Amanda Coelho; Miethke-Morais, Anna; Bellintani, Arthur Petrillo; Canasiro, Artur Ribeiro; Carneiro, Bárbara Vieira; Zanbon, Beatriz Keiko; Batista, Bernardo Pinheiro De Senna Nogueira; Nicolao, Bianca Ruiz; Besen, Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro; Biselli, Bruno; Macedo, Bruno Rocha De; Toledo, Caio Machado Gomes De; Pompilio, Carlos Eduardo; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro De; Mol, Caroline Gomes; Stipanich, Cassio; Bueno, Caue Gasparotto; Garzillo, Cibele; Tanaka, Clarice; Forte, Daniel Neves; Joelsons, Daniel; Robira, Daniele; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira; Silva Júnior, Elson Mendes Da; Regalio, Fabiane Aliotti; Segura, Gabriela Cardoso; Marcelino, Gustavo Brasil; Louro, Giulia Sefrin; Ho, Yeh-Li; Ferreira, Isabela Argollo; Gois, Jeison de Oliveira; Silva Junior, Joao Manoel Da; Reusing Junior, Jose Otto; Ribeiro, Julia Fray; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho; Galleti, Karine Vusberg; Silva, Katia Regina; Isensee, Larissa Padrao; Oliveira, Larissa dos Santos; Taniguchi, Leandro Utino; Letaif, Leila Suemi; Lima, Lígia Trombetta; Park, Lucas Yongsoo; Chaves Netto, Lucas; Nobrega, Luciana Cassimiro; Haddad, Luciana; Hajjar, Ludhmila; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo; Pandolfi, Manuela Cristina Adsuara; Park, Marcelo; Carmona, Maria José Carvalho; Andrade, Maria Castilho Prandini H De; Santos, Mariana Moreira; Bateloche, Matheus Pereira; Suiama, Mayra Akimi; Oliveira, Mayron Faria de; Sousa, Mayson Laercio; Louvaes, Michelle; Huemer, Natassja; Mendes, Pedro; Lins, Paulo Ricardo Gessolo; Santos, Pedro Gaspar Dos; Moreira, Pedro Ferreira Paiva; Guazzelli, Renata Mello; Reis, Renato Batista Dos; Oliveira, Renato Daltro De; Roepke, Roberta Muriel Longo; Pedro, Rodolpho Augusto De Moura; Kondo, Rodrigo; Rached, Samia Zahi; Fonseca, Sergio Roberto Silveira Da; Borges, Thais Sousa; Ferreira, Thalissa; Cobello Junior, Vilson; Sales, Vivian Vieira Tenório; Ferreira, Willaby Serafim Cassa.
Clinics; 75 (), 2020
OBJECTIVES: We designed a cohort study to describe characteristics and outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the largest public hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as Latin America becomes the epicenter of the pandemic. METHODS: This is the prot...

Recommendations for head and neck surgical procedures during the COVID-19 pandemic

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has spread exponentially worldwide. In Brazil, the number of infected people diagnosed has been increasing and, as in other countries, it has been associated with a high risk of contaminat...

Contributions of residents from multiple specializations in managing the COVID-19 pandemic in the largest public hospital Brazil

Clinics; 75 (), 2020

Double-edged sword: Granulocyte colony stimulating factors in cancer patients during the COVID-19 era

Clinics; 75 (), 2020

What you gain and what you lose in COVID-19: perception of medical students on their education

Clinics; 75 (), 2020