Results: 661

Serum concentrations of acute phase proteins in goats and ewes with naturally acquired Staphylococcus aureus mastitis

Serum protein concentrations, including acute phase proteins (APPs), of goats and ewes with naturally acquired Sthaphylococcus aureus mastitis were determined by means of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis to evaluate the relevance of these APPs as biomarkers of the disease in these species. Fifteen healthy goats ...

Climate conditions associated with the occurrence of antimicrobial and macrocyclic lactone residues in bulk tank milk

The present study aimed to identify the climate condition parameters that are associated with the occurrence of antimicrobial and macrocyclic lactone residues in bulk tank milk using a multivariate principal components analysis (PCA). A total of 132 raw milk samples were collected at dairy farms in Minas...

In vitro antimicrobial activity of the organic extract of Cladonia substellata Vainio and usnic acid against Staphylococcus spp. obtained from cats and dogs

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (4), 2017
ladonia substellata Vainio is a lichen found in different regions of the world, including the Northeast of Brazil. It contains several secondary metabolites with biological activity, including usnic acid, which has exhibited a wide range of biological activities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the...

Bioprospección de la actividad antimicrobiana de los extractos de los hongos endófitos de Bauhinia guianensis
Bioprospecting of antimicrobial activity of extracts of endophytic fungi from Bauhinia guianensis

Rev. argent. microbiol; 49 (1), 2017
Antibiotic resistance results in higher medical costs, prolonged hospital stays and increased mortality and is rising to dangerously high levels in all parts of the world. Therefore, this study aims to search for new antimicrobial agents through bioprospecting of extracts of endophytic fungi from Bauhini...

Modulação in vitro da atividade antibiótica pelo óleo essencial dos frutos de Piper tuberculatum Jacq

Rev. cuba. plantas med; 22 (1), 2017
Introdução: Piper tuberculatum Jacq., popularmente conhecida como pimenta-longaou pimenta-d'Arda, é utilizada empiricamente no tratamento de doenças respiratórias (asma, bronquite e tosse) e digestivas (dores abdominais e diarreias). Na literatura é descrita com importantes atividades anti-inflamat...

Survey of pyrethroid, macrocyclic lactone and antibacterial residues in bulk milk tank from Minas Gerais State, Brazil

Pesqui. vet. bras; 37 (2), 2017
A survey of veterinary drug residues in bulk milk tank from Minas Gerais State, Brazil, was carried out through a broad scope analysis. Here, 132 raw milk samples were collected at 45 dairy farms in Minas Gerais from August 2009 to February 2010, and analyzed for 42 analytes, comprising pyrethroids, macr...

Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de Acinetobacter spp. e Pseudomonas aeruginosa produtores de carbapenemases

A resistência bacteriana a antibióticos é um grave e crescente problema de saúde pública de âmbito mundial. O principal, e mais eficiente, mecanismo de resistência aos β-lactâmicos em bacilos Gram-negativos é a produção de β-lactamases, que possuem a capacidade de hidrolisar o anel β-lactâ...

Evaluation of methods for removal of filling material in endodontic retreatment and assessment of antimicrobial action of solutions used in final irrigation

When endodontic treatment fails, an alternative could be root canal retreatment. During this procedure, all filling material should be removed to allow a new root canal preparation and new obturation of the root canal system. Bacteria are the main cause of endodontic treatment failure, and persistent inf...

Efecto antimicrobiano del aceite de coco sobre cepas de Estreptococos mutans. Estudio in vitro

La planta de coco (Cocos nucifera L) llamada el árbol de la vida, se encuentra en los primeros lugares de las especies de plantas alimenticias vitales para el hombre; debido a las múltiples propiedades que posee es que se planteó la presente investigación con el objetivo fundamental de determinar el ...

Efeito antimicrobiano do bacteriófago geneticamente modificado φEf11/φFL1C(Δ36)PnisA sobre cepas de E. faecalis em biofilme estático e em canais radiculares infectados

A presença de micro-organismos no sistema de canais radiculares (SCR) tem sido apontada como uma das principais causas de insucesso da terapia endodôntica. A capacidade de formar biofilme e penetrar nos túbulos dentinários são fatores de sobrevivência que favorecem a perpetuação de micro-organism...