This study aimed to evaluate changes in beige adipocytes at different times of melatonin administration, in the morning (ZT01) or in the evening (ZT11), at 30 mg/kg daily by gavage for 7 weeks or continuously with drinking water in the term of high-calorie diet-induced obesity (HCD). Melatonin received a...
Introduction: The oral microbiota has approximately 700 symbiotic microorganisms responsible for oral health homeostasis. However, changes in oral microbiota can generate dysbiotic processes that favor the worsening of infections such as caries and periodontal disease. These oral infections, in addition ...
Resumen El coronavirus que está afectando a todo el mundo se llama SARS CoV-2 y causa la enfermedad COVID-19. El virus se transmite de persona a persona a través de las pequeñas gotas de saliva que se emiten al hablar, toser, estornudar; se difunde cuando las personas están en contacto cercano o al t...
Neste artigo, abordamos sentidos e significados dados à comida presentes na revista Saúde como um fator que interfere no consumo de alimentos. Partimos do pressuposto de haver na sociedade contemporânea uma hegemonia do discurso biomédico, disseminado e naturalizado pelo senso comum, que reproduz os ...
Resumen Introducción La cirugía bariátrica es una de las opciones efectivas para la reducción del peso corporal, sin embargo, no existe claridad respecto de la evolución de la baja de peso corporal, más aún, algunos hallazgos sugieren amplia variabilidad individual en la curva de variación del ...
Gastric emptying and plasma glucose were evaluated in young and adult dogs, fed with dry and wet food, submitted to different periods of pre-anesthetic fasting (6, 8, and 12 hours). Forty healthy dogs were selected, which were segmented into four groups according to the age group and type of diet. It was...
The objective of this study was to identify dietary patterns in an outpatient cohort of coronary heart disease (CHD) patients, to compare these patterns with dietary recommendations of the international cardiology guidelines, and verify associations with cardiovascular risk factors. Dietary intake was as...
RESUMEN La microbiota intestinal (MI) es considerada como un nuevo blanco para la prevención y manejo nutricional de las alteraciones inflamatorias y metabólicas asociadas a las enfermedades crónicas no-transmisibles. Los prebióticos son principalmente fibras solubles cuyo consumo favorece el crecimi...
Dilly, Rafaela dos Santos;
Barretta, Claiza;
Matos, Cristina Henschel;
Piasecki, Bárbara Tortato;
Scolaro, Bruno Lorenzo;
Malluta, Everson Fernando;
Bobato, Sueli;
Specht, Clarice Maria;
Mello, Munique Kurtz de;
Kimura, Matheus Copi;
Miranda, Clara Garcia.
ABSTRACT Objective Evaluation of nutritional status and consumption frequency of inflammatory and anti-inflammatory food by patients with inflammatory bowel diseases. Methods An observational study of the patients assisted by the interdisciplinary inflammatory bowel diseases ambulatory of UNIVALI-SC. T...