ABSTRACT: This study evaluated patients' perceptions regarding the installation of temporary fixed partial denture (TFPD). A questionnaire developed that addressed patients' perceptions about the temporary restorations, applied to patients after concluded their treatment. Responses were analyzed by descr...
RESUMEN: El principal motivo de consulta de los pacientes afectados con hipomineralización incisivo molar grado B 3 II, según la Academia Europea de Odontología Pediátrica (EAPO) es la estética y sensibilidad, provocando dolor a los cambios térmicos y a la hora de realizar el cepillado dental, esto...
INTRODUCCIÓN: enfermería mediante el cumplimiento de su función docente promueve actitudes reflexivas en los pacientes para prevenir adicción a los narcóticos. OBJETIVO: información para la prevención de la adicción a narcóticos que tienen los pacientes que asisten a la unidad clínica de trauma...
A dor passa ser um fator importante quando se estuda a população idosa, pois apresenta um grande impacto nas atividades diárias, aumentando as comorbidades e a mortalidade, transformando-se em um sério problema de saúde pública. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a confiabilidade das medidas intraexaminador e inte...
Abstract Objective To determine time period for hospital discharge and pain and function improvement in patients submitted to percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PELD). Methods Retrospective evaluation of length of stay and visual analog scale (VAS), Oswestry disability index (ODI), and Roland-M...
Abstract Objectives To analyze the results of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with remnant-preserving versus remnant-resecting technique, concerning the return to pre-lesion activity level. Methods The present retrospective cohort study has assessed adults > 18 years old who underwen...
Abstract Tibial plateau fractures are a risk to the functional integrity of the knee, affecting the axial alignment and capable of leading to pain and disability of the individual. Early weight bearing and joint mobilization can prevent these functional deficits. the goal of the present study was to cond...