Results: 1551

Efecto de las experiencias adversas durante la niñez sobre la actividad Electroencefalográfica en reposo: una revisión sistemática

Psychol. av. discip; 14 (2), 2020
Resumen El progresivo interés en estudiar los efectos negativos en la fisiología y estructura cerebral producto de las experiencias adversas durante la niñez (EAN) ha propiciado el análisis de registros psicofisiológicos por medio de la electroencefalografía (EEG) en estados de reposo. Por tanto, e...

Damage control resuscitation: REBOA as the new fourth pillar

Colomb. med; 51 (4), 2020
Abstract Damage Control Resuscitation (DCR) seeks to combat metabolic decompensation of the severely injured trauma patient by battling on three major fronts: Permissive Hypotension, Hemostatic Resuscitation, and Damage Control Surgery (DCS). The aim of this article is to perform a review of the history ...

Prehospital Damage Control: The Management of Volume, Temperature… and Bleeding!

Colomb. med; 51 (4), 2020
Abstract Damage control resuscitation should be initiated as soon as possible after a trauma event to avoid metabolic decompensation and high mortality rates. The aim of this article is to assess the position of the Trauma and Emergency Surgery Group (CTE) from Cali, Colombia regarding prehospital care, ...

Whole blood for blood loss: hemostatic resuscitation in damage control

Colomb. med; 51 (4), 2020
Abstract Hemorrhagic shock and its complications are a major cause of death among trauma patients. The management of hemorrhagic shock using a damage control resuscitation strategy has been shown to decrease mortality and improve patient outcomes. One of the components of damage control resuscitation is ...

Whole-body computed tomography is safe, effective and efficient in the severely injured hemodynamically unstable trauma patient

Colomb. med; 51 (4), 2020
Abstract Trauma is a complex pathology that requires an experienced multidisciplinary team with an inherent quick decision-making capacity, given that a few minutes could represent a matter of life or death. These management decisions not only need to be quick but also accurate to be able to prioritize a...

REBOA as a New Damage Control Component in Hemodynamically Unstable Noncompressible Torso Hemorrhage Patients

Colomb. med; 51 (4), 2020
Abstract Noncompressible torso hemorrhage is one of the leading causes of preventable death worldwide. An efficient and appropriate evaluation of the trauma patient with ongoing hemorrhage is essential to avoid the development of the lethal diamond (hypothermia, coagulopathy, hypocalcemia, and acidosis)....

Damage control of laryngotracheal trauma: the golden day

Colomb. med; 51 (4), 2020
Abstract Laryngotracheal trauma is rare but potentially life-threatening as it implies a high risk of compromising airway patency. A consensus on damage control management for laryngotracheal trauma is presented in this article. Tracheal injuries require a primary repair. In the setting of massive destru...

Perfil epidemiológico das notificações de violência autoprovocada de 2010 a 2019 em um estado do sul do Brasil

OBJETIVO: descrever o perfil das notificações de violência autoprovocada no estado do Rio Grande do Sul no período de 2010 a 2019. MÉTODO: estudo epidemiológico observacional descritivo transversal a partir de dados secundários. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas para estudar a d...

Lesión quirúrgica de la vía biliar: experiencia en el Hospital José Ramón Vidal de Corrientes

Rev. argent. cir; 112 (4), 2020
RESUMEN Antecedentes: la lesión quirúrgica de la vía biliar representa un gran problema de salud y puede surgir ante cualquier cirujano que realice una colecistectomía. Objetivos: el objetivo del trabajo fue presentar nuestra experiencia en reparación de la vía biliar, ana lizando la morbimortali...