Results: 1080

Hipofisitis linfocitaria primaria. Caso clínico

Rev. méd. Chile; 148 (2), 2020
Primary lymphocytic hypophysitis is an autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the pituitary gland, with a higher incidence during late pregnancy and the postpartum period. It causes glandular destruction, mass effect and symptoms such headache, visual field defects, ophthalmopleg...

Metachronic breast and cerebellar neoplasm in a young patient

Abstract Several factors trigger the development of genetic mutations that are responsible for causing a neoplasm. Medulloblastoma is a malignant and invasive cerebellar neoplasm, that affects children and young adults. Mucinous carcinoma is a special type of breast cancer. Being a special atypical subty...

Neuroimaging adolescents with depression in a middle-income country: feasibility of an fMRI protocol and preliminary results

Objective: To test the feasibility and to present preliminary results of a neuroimaging protocol to evaluate adolescent depression in a middle-income setting. Methods: We assessed psychotropic medication-free adolescents (age range 14-16 years) with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder (MDD). Partic...

Neuroimaging of intrinsic connectivity networks: a robust method for assessing functional brain organization in psychiatric disorders

Imagem por ressonância magnética da articulação temporomandibular para identificação do ligamento discomaleolar: estudo de casos

Rev. bras. odontol; 77 (1), 2020
O objetivo do presente trabalho é identificar e descrever o trajeto do ligamento discomaleolar (LDM) através de imagem por ressonância magnética (IRM). Materiais e Métodos: As IMR foram adquiridas de dois participantes da pesquisa através de um aparelho SIGNA Explorer, 1,5 T. Conclusão: A partir d...

Relación entre el coeficiente de difusión aparente y la celularidad de gliomas en centro de tercer nivel de Panamá

Rev. méd. Panamá; 40 (1), 2020
Introducción: Los gliomas son tumores malignos altamente celulares del sistema ner­ vioso central. Su grado histológico preoperatorio es de utilidad en el manejo quirúrgico, por lo que la resonancia magnética con secuencias avanzadas intenta brindar mayor información tumoral. Objetivo: Relacionar...

The use of high-resolution MRI to detect thrombosis and lipid-rich carotid artery plaques in a patient with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia

SUMMARY Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia is a rarely agentic disorder of the lipoprotein metabolism intimately related to premature atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease that can lead to high disability and mortality. Homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia typically affects not only the aortic...

Application value of magnetic resonance hydrography of the inner ear in cochlear implantation

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE This study aims to investigate the application value of magnetic resonance (MR) hydrography of the inner ear in cochlear implantation. METHODS 146 patients were enrolled. MR hydrography and spiral CT examinations for the intracranial auditory canal were performed before surgery, and...

Machine learning techniques for computer-aided classification of active inflammatory sacroiliitis in magnetic resonance imaging

Adv Rheumatol; 60 (), 2020
Abstract Background: Currently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to evaluate active inflammatory sacroiliitis related to axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). The qualitative and semiquantitative diagnosis performed by expert radiologists and rheumatologists remains subject to significant intraperson...

Variz Intra-Óssea – um achado raro diagnosticado pela ressonância magnética

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 39 (1), 2020
Introdução: As varizes são veias que após submetidas a períodos de pressão aumentada no sistema venoso periférico se tornam dilatadas, tortuosas e alongadas. Pacientes acometidos irão referir dor no membro, além de sinais de insuficiência venosa. O exame de imagem comumente utilizado é o ultra...