Results: 563

Impacto de la estrategia Plan de Invierno en el uso de medicamentos en el Hospital Pediátrico del Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell (CHPR)
Impact of the Winter Plan strategy on the use of medications in the Pediatric Hospital of the Pereira Rossell Hospital Center (CHPR)

Rev. méd. Urug; 18 (2), 2002
Introducción: Con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la atención hospitalaria de los niños que ingresan por infección respiratoria aguda baja al Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell, se aplicó entre mayo y setiembre de 1999 una estrategia que se denominó Plan de Invierno. Objetivo: Evaluar el impa...

Atopy, passive smoking, respiratory infections and asthma among children from kindergarten and elementary school

Säo Paulo med. j; 120 (4), 2002
CONTEXT: It has been demonstrated that children exposed to parents who smoke have more respiratory infections and asthma. OBJECTIVE: To study the association of both respiratory infections and asthma attacks with atopy, passive smoking and time spent daily at school, among children aged 4 to 9 years old ...

Tomografía computada de alta resolución en niño con daño pulmonar por adenovirus: caracterización y correlación con función pulmonar
High resolution computed tomography in children with pulmonary damage adenovirus: characterization and correlation with pulmonary function

Rev. chil. radiol; 8 (4), 2002
Introduction: Respiratory tract infections caused by Adenovirus (ADV) can lead to long term lung sequelae. In our media it is the most frequent cause of chronic lung disease in children. High resolution computed tomography (HRCT) can characterize the anatomic alterations of this disease. Functional impai...