Results: 1201

Guía para la implementación de la vigilancia epidemiológica con posterioridad a desastres
Guide for the implementation of epidemiological surveillance after disasters

El documento está estructurada en cinco capítulos: Consideraciones generales en desastres, evaluación de riesgo potencial epidémico, vigilancia epidemiológica en desastres y la investigación de brotes. Así como, sistematizar la información recopilada de manera diaria presentada a través de tabla...

Embracement with risk classification: relationship of justice with the user

ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the conception of justice of nurses and users regarding the Risk Classification in Emergency Unit; to analyze the conception of justice in the implementation of the Risk Classification in Emergency Unit from the user's recognition; to discuss, from Axel Honneth's Theory o...

Falls in persons with Parkinson's disease: Do non-motor symptoms matter as much as motor symptoms?

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 77 (11), 2019
ABSTRACT Falls are common among persons with Parkinson's disease (PD). On the other hand, predicting falls is complex as there are both generic and PD-specific contributors. In particular, the role of non-motor symptoms has been less studied. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the ro...

The Harbin Medical University nephrectomy score: a quantitative system for evaluating the complexity of laparoscopic retroperitoneal simple nephrectomy

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Background: Laparoscopic retroperitoneal simple nephrectomy (LRSN) has been widely accepted as a mainstay option for benign non-functioning kidney. The complexity of the procedure, however, differs and remains a subject of controversy. Objective: To develop a standardised Harbin Medical Univer...

High mortality rates after radical cystectomy: we must have acceptable protocols and consider the rationale of cutaneous ureterostomy for high-risk patients

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (6), 2019

Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) or conformational radiotherapy (3D-CRT) with conventional fractionation for prostate cancer: Is there any clinical difference?

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Purpose: To compare the treatment outcomes of a cohort of prostate cancer patients treated with conventional schedule using IMRT or 3DRT technique. Materials and Methods: Between 2010-2017, 485 men with localized prostate cancer were treated with conventional radiotherapy schedule with a total...

The association between CHA2DS2-VASc score and erectile dysfunction: a cross-sectional study

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aims to assess the association between CHA2DS2-VASc score and erectile dysfunction in patients who were admitted to cardiology outpatient clinics. Materials and methods: One hundred and two male patients who were admitted to the cardiology outpatient clinic were included to...

Seminal citrate is superior to PSA for detecting clinically significant prostate cancer

Int. braz. j. urol; 45 (6), 2019
ABSTRACT Purpose: To establish whether the citrate concentration in the seminal fluid ([CITRATE]) measured by means of high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1HNMRS) is superior to the serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration in detecting of clinically significant prostate c...

La prueba inmunoquímica fecal tiene una alta exactitud diagnóstica para cáncer colorrectal en pacientes asintomáticos con antecedentes familiares o personales de cáncer colorrectal
The fecal immunochemical test has a high diagnostic accuracy for colorectal cancer in asymptomatic patients with history of colorrectal cancer

Recomendación de la utilización de herramientas de evaluación de riesgo familiar para el cáncer relacionado con mutaciones de los genes BRCA 1/2 en atención primaria
The USPSTF recommends the use of family risk assessment tools in primary care for cancer related to BRCA gene mutations 1/2