Results: 5435

Infant mortality trend in the city of Rio Branco, AC, 1999 to 2015

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE Analyze the trend of infant mortality in Rio Branco, state of Acre, from 1999 to 2015. METHODS An ecological observational study of a time series, in which data from deaths from the Information System on Mortality and Births of the Information System on Live Births were used. The a...

Reporting of HIV-infected pregnant women: estimates from a Brazilian study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: To estimate the coverage of the reporting of cases of HIV-infected pregnant women, to estimate the increase in the coverage of the reporting with the routine search of data in other Brazilian health information systems, and to identify missed opportunities for identification of HIV-i...

Association between race/skin color and premature birth: a systematic review with meta-analysis

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between race/skin color and the occurrence of prematurity. METHODS Meta-analysis with observational studies, selected by a systematic review in the bibliographic databases Medline and Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde with the descriptors: "Race or ethnic grou...

Offer of primary care services and detection of tuberculosis incidence in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To evaluate the association between the health services offered by primary care teams and the detection of new tuberculosis cases in Brazil. METHODS This was an ecological study covering all Brazilian municipalities that registered at least one new tuberculosis case (diagnosed betwee...

Costs and mortality rates of surgical approaches to hysterectomy in Brazil

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the costs of hysterectomies performed in Brazil due to benign conditions, and to assess its hospital admittance and mortality rates. METHODS A retrospective cohort was carried out from January 2010 to December 2014, analyzing all hysterectomies (n = 428,346) registered on ...

Socioeconomic status in childhood and obesity in adults: a population-based study

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To test whether there is an association between socioeconomic status in childhood and measures of body mass index, waist circumference and the presence of overall and abdominal obesity in adult life. METHODS A cross-sectional analysis of a population-based cohort study, including a...

Caries and fluoridated water in two Brazilian municipalities with low prevalence of the disease

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between exposure to fluoridated water and dental caries in a context of widespread use of fluoride toothpaste in Brazil, in a scenario of low prevalence of the disease. METHODS This is a cross-sectional observational study, of the census type, in the form...

Suicide in Brazilian indigenous communities: clustering of cases in children and adolescents by household

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate age and sex-specific suicide rates, compare suicide rates between indigenous communities, and quantify the frequency of intrafamilial suicide clustering. METHODS We performed a retrospective cohort study involving 14,666 indigenous individuals in reservations in Dourados,...

Dengue in Araraquara, state of São Paulo: epidemiology, climate and Aedes aegypti infestation

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the epidemiology of dengue in a medium-sized city in the state of São Paulo. METHODS Data, such as circulating serotypes, severe cases and deaths, age group, sex, among others, were obtained on reported and confirmed dengue cases in Araraquara, state of São Paulo, bet...

Trend of oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality in Brazil in the period of 2002 to 2013

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the trend of oral and pharyngeal cancer mortality rates in the period of 2002 to 2013 in Brazil according to sex, anatomical site, and macroregion of the country. METHODS The mortality data were obtained from the Mortality Information System and the population data were ob...