Results: 4434

COMDORA-SBN recommendations for patients with rare kidney diseases in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic

J. bras. nefrol; 42 (2,supl.1), 2020
ABSTRACT During the Covid-19 pandemic, the issue is how to maintain adequate care for people with other diseases. In this document, the SBN Rare Diseases Committee (COMDORA) gives some guidelines on the care of patients with rare kidney diseases. These patients should follow the recommendations for the g...

Are smoking, environmental pollution, and weather conditions risk factors for COVID-19?

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the highly contagious severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is probably systemic, has a major respiratory component, and is transmitted by person-to-person contact, via airborne droplets or aerosols. In the respiratory tract,...

Severity of lung involvement on chest X-rays in SARS-coronavirus-2 infected patients as a possible tool to predict clinical progression: an observational retrospective analysis of the relationship between radiological, clinical, and laboratory data

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (5), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the diagnostic accuracy of a chest X-ray (CXR) score and of clinical and laboratory data in predicting the clinical course of patients with SARS coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Methods: This is a pilot multicenter retrospective study including patients with SARS...

COVID-19 morbidity and mortality in 2020: the case of the city of Rio de Janeiro

J. bras. pneumol; 46 (5), 2020