Results: 79

Psychological well-being in patients undergoing stem cell transplantation

Acta sci., Health sci; 44 (), 2022
The aim of the study is to determine the psychological well-being of patients who underwent stem cell transplantation. This cross-sectional study was conducted with 100 patients. Data were collected face-to-face using an introductory information form and the Brief Symptom Inventory.When the results of th...

Psychological adjustment of children with cancer: relapse and survival perspectives

Psico USF; 27 (1), 2022
In Brazil, few studies have investigated the psychological aspects of childhood cancer. The aim of this article was to compare the psychological adjustment of children with cancer from different survival perspectives with that of children without cancer, besides examining potential risk factors. The samp...

Evidence of Validity of the Productive Organizational Energy Measure in Brazilian Samples

Abstract Productive organizational energy is conceptualized as a shared experience, in which the members of an organization present positive affects, cognitive stimulation and proactive behavior in order to satisfy the organization's objectives in which they work. This work aimed to obtain evidence of va...

Adaptação transcultural de instrumentos avaliativos em cuidados paliativos: revisão integrativa da literatura

Aval. psicol; 20 (2), 2021
Diante da necessidade de reflexão sobre processos de adaptação transcultural de instrumentos avaliativos utilizados no contexto de Cuidados Paliativos, este estudo teve por objetivo realizar uma revisão integrativa da literatura e analisar estratégias metodológicas e cuidados técnicos para sua imp...

Coping strategies in health professionals facing Covid-19: s systematic review

Psicol. teor. prát; 23 (1), 2021
Given the importance of developing protective actions to mental health in pandemic contexts, this study aimed to gather evidence about coping mechanisms that health professionals use during the Covid-19 pandemic. This systematic review, developed from international and Brazilian databases between Novembe...

Typological Profiles of Depression of College Students: Latent Classes and Controlling for Response Bias of the Baptista Depression Short-Scale (EBADEP-short)

Abstract Response styles and non-linearity might reduce the validity of scores on depression inventories. To address both issues, we explored the latent class structure of the Baptista's Depression Scale (EBADEP), and the influence of extreme response bias. In total, 1,137 Brazilian college students (M =...

Psychological Adjustment of Parents of Children with Different Cancer Prognoses

Abstract Little is known about the psychological adjustment of parents of children with cancer relapse or remission. This study investigated differences in the psychological adjustment of caregivers of children with different cancer prognosis, by comparing them with a control group. In total, 183 caregiv...

The psychological impact on family caregivers of children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemia represents an aversive context, placing the family in a situation of vulnerability. This study investigated the psychological impact of sickle cell anemia on family caregivers of children and adolescents with this disease. A research with a quantitative approach followed by a survey wa...

Estratégias de enfrentamento de familiares enlutados por suicídio: uma revisão integrativa
Coping strategies for family members bereaved of suicide: an integrative review

Rev. Salusvita (Online); 40 (4), 2021
O suicídio é um grave problema de saúde pública e envolve uma associação de fatores biológicos, psicológicos, sociais e culturais. Por se tratar de uma morte violenta, causada pelo próprio indivíduo, gera impactos emocionais e sociais significativos na dinâmica familiar. Por essa razão, os fa...

Emotional, behavioral, and social effects of anterior tooth loss: a cross-sectional study

Braz. dent. sci; 24 (2), 2021
Objective: The study aims to evaluate the emotional, behavioural, and social effects of single or multiple anterior tooth loss. It also compares the effectiveness of the removable and fixed prosthesis to address the impact of anterior tooth loss. Material and Methods...