Results: 60

The bridge occlusion balloon for venous angioplasty in superior vena cava occlusion

Abstract The Bridge Occlusion Balloon is a compliant balloon, specifically designed for temporary Superior vena cava occlusion in case of Superior Vena Cava laceration during lead extraction procedures. We here report the first case, using Bridge Occlusion Ballon for a venous angioplasty in a patient wit...

Trombosis venosa cerebral
Cerebral venous thrombosis

Rev. cuba. med; 58 (2), 2019
En la actualidad la trombosis venosa cerebral (TVC) se considera un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico, debido a la alta variabilidad de presentación y a la falta de un consenso terapéutico claro. Representa 0,5 por ciento de los ictus y afecta con mayor frecuencia a sujetos jóvenes con factores de ries...

Aneurisma de arteria poplítea en ambos miembros inferiores
Aneurysm of popliteal artery in both inferior limbs

Los aneurismas de la arteria poplítea son los más frecuentes de todos los que afectan a las arterias periféricas y corresponde a un aumento del diámetro de esta arteria mayor de 1,5 cm. El diagnóstico fue de aneurisma de la arteria poplítea de ambos miembros inferiores, con mayor diámetro en la iz...

Síndrome del cascanueces
Nutcracker syndrome

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (2), 2019
El síndrome del cascanueces es una anomalía vascular en la que se comprime la vena renal izquierda a su paso entre la unión de la aorta y la arteria mesentérica superior, debido a un ángulo muy cerrado entre ambas arterias. Clínicamente puede presentarse como hematuria macro o microscópica, dolor ...

Ligature of the left main coronary artery after surgery in kawasaki disease: case report

Abstract We report a case of a 23-year-old man who was diagnosed with Kawasaki disease that progressed to a coronary aneurysm in the left main coronary artery (LMA). He had suffered from acute coronary syndrome and then underwent an emergent percutaneous coronary angioplasty, in which a polyurethane-cove...

Surgical aspects of no-touch saphenous vein graft harvesting in cabg: clinical and angiographic follow-up at 3 months

Abstract With more than 800,000 coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) operations annually worldwide and the saphenous vein being the most common conduit used, there is no question that improving saphenous vein graft patency is one of the most important tasks in CABG. This video describes the no-touch ha...

Coronary artery dissection in a patient with Buerger's Disease

Abstract Buerger's disease, vasculitis of small and medium-sized blood vessels, is a non-atherosclerotic and progressive occlusive condition which frequently involves the distal part of the limbs. The occlusion of coronary arteries in Buerger's disease is a rare condition; however, coronary artery dissec...

Signo de la dona (donut sign) con trombo libre flotante carotídeo
Donut sign with free-floating carotid thrombus

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (1), 2019

Incidence and morphological characteristics of the reversed halo sign in patients with acute pulmonary embolism and pulmonary infarction undergoing computed tomography angiography of the pulmonary arteries

J. bras. pneumol; 45 (1), 2019
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the incidence of the reversed halo sign (RHS) in patients with pulmonary infarction (PI) due to acute pulmonary embolism (PE), detected by computed tomography angiography (CTA) of the pulmonary arteries, and to describe the main morphological features of the RHS. Method...

Oiigen anomalo de la arteria coronaiia derecha de la arteiia pulmonar en un lactante con soplo cardiaco: A proposito de un caso

Arch. argent. pediatr; 116 (6), 2018
El origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria derecha de la arteria pulmonar es una entidad rara con una incidencia del 0,002 % y potencialmente grave, que puede causar muerte súbita. El diagnóstico frecuentemente es incidental, secundario a evaluaciones por soplos cardíacos a diferencia del origen anóm...