Results: 59

Unrecognized pediatric and adult family members of children with acute brucellosis

Braz. j. infect. dis; 21 (5), 2017
Abstract Background and aim Brucellosis is an infectious, contagious and zoonotic disease that occurs worldwide. The family members of an index case of brucellosis may be especially susceptible, due to sharing the same source of infection and similar risk factors for brucellosis. In this study, we propo...

Antibody persistence following meningococcal C conjugate vaccination in children and adolescents infected with human immunodeficiency virus

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 93 (5), 2017
Abstract Objective: HIV-infected individuals (HIVI) are threatened by meningococcal infection and presented lower response to vaccines. Data are scarce on long-term persistence of human serum bactericidal antibody (hSBA) after a meningococcal C conjugate (MCC) vaccine in HIVI youth; the authors aimed to...

Specific antigen serologic tests in leprosy: implications for epidemiological surveillance of leprosy cases and household contacts

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 112 (9), 2017
BACKGROUND There is a lack of straightforward tests for field application and known biomarkers for predicting leprosy progression in infected individuals. OBJECTIVE The aim was to analyse the response to infection by Mycobacterium leprae based on the reactivity of specific antigens: natural disacchari...

Seroprevalencia contra Bordetella pertussis en embarazadas vacunadas y no vacunadas y neonatos en un hospital universitario de la provincia de Buenos Aires

Arch. argent. pediatr; 115 (4), 2017
Introducción. La tos convulsa es una enfermedad altamente contagiosa causada por Bordetella pertussis. Tiene una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad, especialmente, en los lactantes menores de seis meses de edad. En la Argentina, la incidencia y la mortalidad se han encontrado en aumento en las última...

Ehrlichia canis and Rickettsia spp. in dogs from urban areas in Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil

Abstract The aims of our study was to identify Ehrlichia canis and antibodies against Rickettsia spp. belonging to the spotted fever group (SFG) in dogs sampled from Paraiba state, northeastern Brazil. Blood and serum samples collected by convenience from dogs in urban areas of five municipalities were a...

Seropositivity for Rickettsia spp. and Ehrlichia spp. in the human population of Mato Grosso, Central-Western Brazil

Abstract INTRODUCTION The epidemiology of Rickettsia and Ehrlichia species infection is underestimated in Mato Grosso State. METHODS: Serum samples obtained during a Dengue outbreak in 2011-2012 were tested via indirect immunofluorescence and/or ELISA. RESULTS: Samples from 19/506 (3.8%) patients pre...

Prevalencia de anticuerpos a Rickettsias y Ehrlichias en cuatro departamentos fronterizos del Perú

Para determinar la prevalencia de anticuerpos a Rickettsia y Ehrlichia, relacionada a contacto reciente y pasado, en localidades fronterizas de los departamentos Loreto, Madre de Dios, Tumbes y Tacna, durante los años 2010 y 2011, se llevaron a cabo encuestas para evaluación serológica empleando el en...

Serosurvey of anti- Leptospira sp. and anti- Toxoplasma gondii antibodies in capybaras and collared and white-lipped peccaries

Abstract INTRODUCTION: Brazilian native species are reemerging as increasingly free-ranging populations. METHODS: Sera from 31 capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) and 28 peccaries (Pecari tajacu and Tayassu pecari) were tested for anti-Leptospira and anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies using microsco...

The role of environmental tobacco exposure and Helicobacter pylori infection in the risk of chronic tonsillitis in children

Säo Paulo med. j; 135 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a chronic infectious pathogen with high prevalence. This study investigated the interaction between environmental tobacco exposure and H. pylori infection on the incidence of chronic tonsillitis in Chinese children. DESIGN AND SETTING: ...

Seroprevalence of bactericidal antibodies against serogroup B and C Meningococci in a University Hospital

Braz. j. med. biol. res; 50 (5), 2017
Meningococcus serogroup B (MenB), clonal complex 32 (cc 32), was the Brazilian epidemic strain of meningococcal disease (MD) in the 1990’s. Currently, meningococcus serogroup C (MenC), cc 103, is responsible for most of the cases of the disease in Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate th...