Results: 493

Impacto de la pandemia por COVID-19 en la incidencia de artroplastías de rodilla en Chile: estudio transversal basado en registro nacional

Medwave; 22 (4), 2022
Introducción Debido a la respuesta de los servicios de salud a la pandemia por COVID- 19, se han suspendido cirugías electivas como la artroplastía de rodilla. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la incidencia de artroplastías de rodilla en 2020 reflejando el efecto de la pandemia, y estimar el...

Parálisis flácida aguda: reporte de un caso

Med. infant; 29 (1), 2022

Use of laboratory methodologies to confirm an outbreak of acute diarrheal disease caused by multiple pathogens

The aim of this study was to investigate an outbreak caused by protozoa, which occurred in a municipality in the Brazil southern region. The investigations were carried out analyzing 47 fresh stool samples and 26 water samples by parasitological and molecular methods, as well as...

ERRATUM: Severe monkeypox case associated with recent laboratory diagnosis of HIV: case report

Introduction: Monkeypox is a zoonosis caused by the monkeypox virus. The first confirmed human case was in 1970, when the virus was isolated from a child in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since the beginning of May 2022, a large and unexpected outbreak has been documented globally, with the first ...

Severe monkeypox case associated with recent laboratory diagnosis of HIV: case report

Monkeypox is a zoonosis caused by the smallpox virus. The first confirmed human case was in 1970, when the virus was isolated from a child in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Since the beginning of May 2022, a large and unexpected outbreak has been documented globally, with the first cases initially...

Vigilancia epidemiológica de brotes de enfermedades trasmitidas por alimentos en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba
Epidemiologic surveillance of diseases outbreaks transmitted by foods in Santiago de Cuba province

Medisan; 26 (1), 2022
Introducción: Las enfermedades trasmitidas por alimentos se producen por la ingestión de alimentos y/o bebidas contaminados. Objetivo: Identificar los agentes causales que influyen en la aparición de estas enfermedades. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal del tota...

Formação de tutores em Epidemiologia de Campo: módulo 01 - introdução à investigação de surtos

Nesta unidade apresentaremos a Introdução à Investigação de Surtos com vistas a conceituar uma investigação, definir seus objetivos e aplicar as etapas de controle e alerta epidemiológicos considerando a análise de tempo, lugar e pessoa....

Epidemiological aspects and spatial analysis of chikungunya fever cases from 2017 to 2021, in a state in the northeast region of Brazil

Rev. patol. trop; 51 (2), 2022
This study aimed to characterize the epidemiological aspects and perform a spatial analysis of Chikungunya fever cases from 2017 to 2021, in the State of Maranhão, Brazil. This is an ecological, descriptive, observational, and retrospective study, conducted by collecting data on Chikungunya...

Evaluation of the relationship between anxiety and nutritional habits in Turkish patients with multiple sclerosis during the Covid-19 outbreak

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 35 (), 2022
ABSTRACT Objective The Coronavirus disease 2019 is a global public health problem that has led to psychological disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.), especially in fragile individuals such as those affected by multiple sclerosis. This study investigated the relationship between anxiety and nutritional ...

Prevenção e controle da febre amarela: avaliação de ações de vigilância em área indene no Brasil

A partir da reemergência da febre amarela em 2014/2015, o Brasil registrou nos anos sequentes sua maior epidemia de febre amarela das últimas décadas, atingindo principalmente a região sudeste. A febre amarela, doença viral hemorrágica, é causada por um flavivírus, transmitido por mosquitos silve...