Results: 48

Oiigen anomalo de la arteria coronaiia derecha de la arteiia pulmonar en un lactante con soplo cardiaco: A proposito de un caso

Arch. argent. pediatr; 116 (6), 2018
El origen anómalo de la arteria coronaria derecha de la arteria pulmonar es una entidad rara con una incidencia del 0,002 % y potencialmente grave, que puede causar muerte súbita. El diagnóstico frecuentemente es incidental, secundario a evaluaciones por soplos cardíacos a diferencia del origen anóm...

Transcatheter Closure of a Traumatic VSD with an ASD Occluder

Arq. bras. cardiol; 111 (2), 2018

Case 2 / 2018 - Coronary-Cavitary Fistula of Right Ventricular Coronary Artery 5 Years after its Occlusion by Interventional Catheterization

Arq. bras. cardiol; 110 (3), 2018

Transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defects in children using a Wire-Drifting Technique

Clinics; 73 (), 2018
OBJECTIVE: Explore the feasibility and safety of transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defects using a wire-drifting technique (WT) in children. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 121 pediatric patients diagnosed with perimembranous ventricular septal defects who underwent interve...

Two HEmostasis Methods After TransradIal Catheterization: THEMATIC - protocol for a randomized clinical trial

Abstract OBJECTIVE Randomized clinical trial protocol to evaluate the incidence of radial artery occlusion with two different arterial compression devices after transradial procedures. METHODS Barbeau's test will be performed in adults scheduled to undergo transradial interventional procedures. Those w...

A new experimental device for transapical access of the aortic and mitral valves as well as the aorta in its various segments

Abstract Objective: To present the results of a new experimental device developed to facilitate the transapical access in endovascular treatment of structural heart diseases. It aims to reduce the risk of bleeding and complications in this type of access and demonstrate the device as a safe, fast and ef...

Modified hybrid procedure in hypoplastic left heart syndrome: initial experience of a center in northeastern Brazil

Abstract Introduction: Although it only corresponds to 2.5% of congenital heart defects, hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is responsible for more than 25% of cardiac deaths in the first week of life. Palliative surgery performed after the second week of life is considered an important risk factor ...