Results: 563

Manejo de crisis hipertensiva en cirugía maxilofacial. Reporte de caso clínico

Introducción: un aumento marcado de la tensión arterial puede llevar a una crisis hipertensiva, que consiste en una elevación considerable de la tensión arterial (>180 mmHg en sístole y >120 mmHg en diástole). De no ser tratada, puede llevar a la pérdida progresiva de la conciencia, así como prov...

Evaluating the efficacy of Etoricoxib in reducing post-operative pain associated with minor oral surgery. A randomized clinical trial

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (3), 2023
Etoricoxib, a new cyclooxygenase-2-selective inhibitor has demonstrated a rapid onset analgesic effect for relieving acute pain especially when prescribed as a pre-emptive medication. On these bases, this study may provide useful information and guidance for clinicians working in the field of oral surger...

Calcifying odontogenic cyst with AOT-like features: a case report and literature review

Braz. dent. sci; 26 (4), 2023
Odontogenic lesions are a heterogeneous group of diseases that presents differences in their biological behavior and the occurrence of variable inductive interactions. Calcifying odontogenic cyst (COC), or Gorlin’s cyst, is a well-recognized example of these lesions. We describe a case o...

Correlação entre indicadores de desenvolvimento municipal e de saúde bucal em uma mesorregião metropolitana do Brasil

Resumo Introdução O estudo da relação entre indicadores sociais e indicadores de saúde bucal pode contribuir para a avaliação dos impactos das políticas e ações de saúde. Objetivo Investigar a correlação entre indicadores de desenvolvimento municipal e indicadores de saúde bucal dos munic...

Efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis on third molar extraction

Introduction: Third molar extraction surgery is a common dental procedure, often challenging with increased post-operative complications. The need for antibiotic prophylaxis in these cases remains debated. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of antibiotic prophylaxis on the posto...

The challenges of reconstruction and rehabilitation of atrophic jaw with an autogenous graft from skull cap – a case report

Introduction: One of the challenges of maxillofacial surgery is the rehabilitation of patients with severe bone loss, using implant-supported prostheses. This challenge is based on the small remaining bone structure, and on the need to reconstruct the structure for the rehabilitation with autogenous or e...

Directrices para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de Molares Retenidos

Cambios rev med; 21 (2), 2022
Los terceros molares son piezas dentarias correspondientes a la dentición permanente y se encuentran por detrás de los segundos molares. Erupcionan entre los 18 y 27 años aproximadamente, tienen variedad de formas, anomalías y disposición diversa. Normalmente se encuentran total o parcialmente reten...

Microbial evaluation of implant surface - a clinical study comparing submerged, non-submerged and immediately loaded implants

Braz. j. oral sci; 21 (), 2022
Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the microbial contamination in internal and external walls of cone morse implant walls. Methods: Eleven patients with edentulous mandibular posterior area were selected to received dental implants, divided into groups: submerged (S), non-submerged (NS), a...

A systematic review assessing occurrence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw following dental procedures

Braz. j. oral sci; 21 (), 2022
Aim: This study aimed to systematically review existing literature regarding the association between dental procedures—such as tooth extractions and periodontal therapy—and occurrence of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) in individuals using bone-modifying drugs. Methods: Search str...