Results: 34

Viruses vector control proposal: genus Aedes emphasis

Braz. j. infect. dis; 21 (4), 2017
Abstract The dengue fever is a major public health problem in the world. In Brazil, in 2015, there were 1,534,932 cases, being 20,320 cases of severe form, and 811 deaths related to this disease. The distribution of Aedes aegypti, the vector, is extensive. Recently, Zika and Chikungunya viruses had arise...

A comprehensive needs assessment to identify priority program targets for mosquito vector control and related diseases in Belmopan, Belize

This was a mixed-methods study aimed to comprehensively assess factors associated with mosquito control in Belmopan, Belize, in order to better inform stakeholders on the effectiveness of their efforts. A knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions (KAP) survey was employed within the four target communitie...

Cost of intensive routine control and incremental cost of insecticide-treated curtain deployment in a setting with low Aedes aegypti infestation

Abstract: INTRODUCTION Information regarding the cost of implementing insecticide-treated curtains (ITCs) is scarce. Therefore, we evaluated the ITC implementation cost, in addition to the costs of intensive conventional routine activities of the Aedes control program in the city of Guantanamo, Cuba. ...

Assessment on the ownership and use of mosquito nets in Mozambique

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To assess the ownership and use of mosquito nets in 2014, in Mozambique. METHODS This observational and cross-sectional study assessed, in February and March 2015, 69 districts (nine of 11 provinces of Mozambique) that have benefited from the mass distribution of mosquito nets. The...