ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the association between nursing diagnoses and sociodemographic and clinical characteristics in people living with AIDS. Method: Cross-sectional study with 100 people living with AIDS in a University Hospital. Data collection took place between January and July 2015, using...
RESUMEN Introducción: Trabajar con y para la comunidad permite integrar la perspectiva de las personas respecto a su estado de salud, los beneficios que otorga su entorno, el gobierno y los sistemas de salud, identificar problemas que afectan el bienestar integral de las personas que la forman. Objeti...
ABSTRACT Objective: to identify Nursing Diagnoses of 5th stage chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis. Method: cross-sectional, descriptive and quantitative study carried out with 151 patients undergoing hemodialysis in a clinic specialized in nephrology from the Northwest of the Paran...
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the content of the nursing diagnosis Ineffective Health Management in hemodialysis patients. Method: The Nursing Diagnoses Validation Model by Lopes, Silva and Auraújo was used in this research. A semi-structured questionnaire and evaluated the definition, location, defi...
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate, through cross-mapping, the correspondence of the expected results and prescriptions written by nurses among those contained in the Interventions Classifications and Nursing Results, for the diagnosis "Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion". Method: Descriptive study, ...
RESUMO Introdução: Atualmente a Doença Renal Cônica (DRC) é um problema de saúde mundial, no Brasil atinge mais de 90 mil pessoas. Objetivo: Identificar os preditores para o estabelecimento dos diagnósticos de enfermagem em pacientes transplantados renais. Métodos: Estudo transversal realiz...
RESUMO Introdução: Atualmente existem 34,0 milhões de pacientes com o Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) no mundo. Na América Latina estima-se que 1,6 milhões de pacientes vivem com o vírus. Objetivo: Identificar diagnósticos de enfermagem do domínio autopercepção da NANDA-Internaciona...
ABSTRACT Objective: to clinically validate the accuracy of the defining characteristics in nursing diagnoses of Hyperthermia in newborns. Method: a cross-sectional study conducted in units of medium and high risk in a maternity from the city of Fortaleza-CE. A total of 216 newborns were evaluated to id...
RESUMO Introdução: A implementação do Processo de Enfermagem depende exclusivamente do enfermeiro, que possui aporte legal para executar de maneira autônoma e sistemática todas as atividades que estão sob sua responsabilidade. Objetivo: Identificar o conhecimento científico produzido acerca d...
ABSTRACT Objective: Identify the signs and symptoms of patients with Gaucher Disease, inferring possible priority nursing diagnoses. Method: Cross-sectional study, developed in a specialized laboratory, between 2013 and 2015. The sample (n = 91) comprised the records of patients with genetic diagnosis ...