Results: 43

Performance Optimization in Sport: A Psychophysiological Approach

Motriz (Online); 23 (4), 2017
In the last 20 years, there was a growing interest in the study of the theoretical and applied issues surrounding psychophysiological processes underlying performance. The psychophysiological monitoring, which enables the study of these processes, consists of the assessment of the activation and function...

Effectiveness of the Pilates method for individuals with nonspecific low back pain: clinical and electromyographic aspects

Motriz (Online); 23 (4), 2017
AIMS: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of Pilates on muscle activation of lumbar multifidus (LM) and transversus abdominis/internal oblique muscles (TrA/IO) in individuals with nonspecific low back pain. METHODS: Twelve individuals of both sexes with non-specific low back pain were eval...

Tibial and fibular nerves evaluation using intraoperative electromyography in rats

Acta cir. bras; 31 (8), 2016
ABSTRACT PURPOSE: To evaluate a new model of intraoperative electromyographic (EMG) assessment of the tibial and fibular nerves, and its respectives motor units in rats. METHODS: Eight Wistar rats underwent intraoperative EMG on both hind limbs at two different moments: week 0 and week 12. Supramaxima...

Training through gametherapy promotes coactivation of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in young women, nulliparous and continents

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Introduction and objectives: Several studies have been investigated co-activation can enhance the effectveness of PFM training protocols allowing preventive and therapeutic goals in pelvic floor dysfunctions. The objective of the present study was to investigate if an abdominal-pelvic protocol ...

Efeitos da irradiação de força contralateral na extensão de punho de pacientes após acidente vascular cerebral

Rev. bras. neurol; 52 (2), 2016
FUNDAMENTO: Um dos princípios de irradiação de força da facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva (FNP) é estimular a musculatura fraca, a partir da resistência da musculatura forte, contribuindo para o aprendizado motor. Por esta razão, este procedimento básico tem sido utilizado em pacientes a...

Análisis de impacto presupuestal del uso de anticuerpos bloqueadores de acetilcolina receptores, comparado con la prueba de Tensilon, de estímulo repetitivo, electromiografía con electrodo de fibra única e I CE test para pacientes con miastenia gravis
Budget impact analysis of the use of acetylcholine receptor blocking antibodies, compared to the Tensilon test, repetitive stimulus, electromyography with single fiber electrode and IEC test for patients with myasthenia gravis

Tecnologías evaluadas: -Tecnologías actuales: electromiografía con electrodo de fibra única e ICE test;-Tecnología nueva: anticuerpos bloqueadores de acetilcolina receptores, prueba de Tensilon, prueba de estímulo repetitivo. Población: Esta prueba se puede aplicar a todas las edades y a todos los...

Economic analysis of routine neuromonitoring of recurrent laryngeal nerve in total thyroidectomy

Biomédica (Bogotá); 35 (3), 2015
Introduction: Thyroidectomy is a common surgery. Routine searching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve is the most important strategy to avoid palsy. Neuromonitoring has been recommended to decrease recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy. Objective: To assess if neuromonitoring of recurrent laryngeal nerve during ...

Systematic analysis of the nociceptive blink reflex: reliability and association with psychological factors

The present study aimed to estimate the reliability of the nociceptive blink reflex (nBR) and to evaluate the possible association between the nBR and various pain-related psychological measures: the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3), the Fear of Pain Questionnaire III (FPQ-III), the Pain Vigilance and...

Diagnostic validity of the use of questionnaires, clinical examination and a portable single-channel electromyography device for sleep Bruxism

O presente trabalho comparou dois métodos de diagnóstico para Bruxismo do Sono (BS): critérios de diagnóstico da Classificação Internacional de Distúrbios do Sono (ICSD-3) e um aparelho portátil com um canal de eletromiografia (EMG) (Grindcare) com o exame padrão ouro, polissonografia (PSG). A c...