Results: 130

Nursing practices in a psychological care center

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the practices developed by nursing professionals in a Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS). Method: A qualitative and evaluative research based on the Fourth Generation Assessment and conducted in a CAPS II of Santa Catarina State in 2014. For data collection, semi-structured ...

Motivation and difficulties to reduce or quit smoking

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand what factors motivate people to reduce or stop tobacco use and what difficulties they face in this process. Method: Qualitative, empirical and interpretative research that used a focal group technique for data collection and Discourse Analysis as a theoretical referenc...

The intersection between being a nurse and being a therapist in Mental Health

ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the intersection between being a nurse/being a therapist in the mental health field. Method: exploratory, qualitative study based on a self-report interview conducted with ten nurses from a psychiatric hospital in Rio de Janeiro between June and July 2017. Data were analy...

Discourse of psychoactive substance dependents on their discursively constructed image

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the discourse of psychoactive substance users undergoing treatment regarding their image of themselves as drug dependent subjects, of other dependents and the social position assumed by them. Method: qualitative study conducted between March and September of 2016 through ...

Nursing work and competence in hemotherapy services: an ergological approach

ABSTRACT Objetives: to analyze the ingredients of the competence that the nurses use in the performance of their work in hemotherapy. Methods: qualitative study with 22 nurses, accomplished through documentary study, observation and semi-structured interview, with resources of Atlas.ti software based o...

Armed conflict at primary care: challenges for practice and training

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the training of Family Health Strategy health professionals who work in dangerous territories affected by the armed conflict and its consequences in their practice. Methods: a qualitative-intervention research carried out with thirteen health professionals, using as a th...

Parental care for infants with feeding tube: psychosocial repercussions

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the psychosocial repercussions experienced by caregiving parents, resulting from care for the child with dysphagic cleft lip and palate. Methods: qualitative study, developed in a tertiary hospital in September 2016. The sample defined by theoretical saturation consis...

Family fortresses in Zika Congenital Syndrome according to Betty Neuman

ABSTRACT Objectives: to identify elements that contribute to strengthen the family system of children with Zika virus congenital syndrome according to Betty Neuman's theory. Methods: qualitative research, carried out in the outpatient service of a public hospital in the city of Recife, Brazil, with 13 ...

Challenges of municipal planning from the perspective of nurse managers

ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the municipal planning developed by nurses coordinating Primary Health Care, aimed at coping with Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases, from the perspective of the Situational Strategic Planning. Methods: a descriptive exploratory study with a qualitative approach developed ...

Implication of the training ad continuing education process for the interprofessional performance

ABSTRACT Objetives: to analyze the implication of the training/continuing education process of professionals of the Expanded Nucleus of Family Health and Basic Care (Portuguese acronym: Nasf-AB) for their interprofessional performance. Methods: a qualitative case study performed with Nasf-AB teams repr...