Results: 123

Severe clinical spectrum with high mortality in pediatric patients with COVID-19 and multisystem inflammatory syndrome

Clinics; 75 (), 2020
OBJECTIVES: To assess the outcomes of pediatric patients with laboratory-confirmed coronavirus disease (COVID-19) with or without multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). METHODS: This cross-sectional study included 471 samples collected from 371 patients (age<18 years) suspected of hav...

Tratamiento exitoso con Remdesivir y corticoides en un paciente con neumonía asociada a COVID-19: reporte de un caso

Medwave; 20 (7), 2020
El síndrome respiratorio agudo grave coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) se ha diseminado rápidamente a lo largo del mundo causando una mortalidad significativa en pacientes de alto riesgo con manifestaciones severas. A la fecha, Remdesivir ha sido el único antiviral autorizado por la FDA para uso de emergenci...

Penfigoide gestacional y erupción ampollar en el recién nacido

Dermatol. argent; 26 (1), 2020
El penfigoide gestacional es una dermatosis rara, que se presenta durante el embarazo. Se caracteriza por una respuesta autoinmune contra las proteínas de los hemidesmosomas, que genera un clivaje entre la epidermis y la dermis tanto de la piel como de las mucosas. Clínicamente, presenta prurito intens...

Miastenia Gravis: reporte de dos casos y revisión de la literatura

Rev. méd. Maule; 34 (2), 2019
Myasthenia gravis is an acquired autoimmune disorder of the neuromuscular junction characterized by fluctuating weakness and fatigability of skeletal muscles. The diagnosis can be established by clinical and serologic testing, with predominance of autoantibodies against the acetylcholine receptor, and Mu...

Necrosis lingual como forma de presentación de arteritis temporal
Lingual necrosis as a form of presentation of temporary arteritis

Medicina (B.Aires); 79 (6), 2019
La arteritis de células gigantes es una vasculitis sistémica que compromete arterias de mediano y gran calibre, principalmente la arteria aorta y sus ramas. Su prevalencia es mayor en mujeres a partir de los 50 años, típicamente se manifiesta con fiebre, claudicación mandibular, cefalea, hiperestesi...

Extensive pyoderma gangrenosum-like lesions revealing a case of hyperzincemia and hypercalprotectinemia: when to suspect it?

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (6), 2019
Abstract Hyperzincemia and hypercalprotectinemia is a rare inflammatory disease caused by a mutation in the PSTPIP1 gene, with a dysregulation of calprotectin metabolism. Calprotectin is a zinc-binding protein with antimicrobial properties and pro-inflammatory action. The authors report the case of a 20 ...

Proptosis por Celulitis Orbitaria en paciente Pediátrico: reporte de un caso

Rev. méd. Maule; 34 (1), 2019
Orbital cellulitis is an infectious disease that occurs most frequently in the pediatric age. The most common underlying factor for its development is ethmoidal sinusitis. The microorganisms associated with orbital infection are S. pneumoniae, S. aureus, H. influenzae and M. catarrhalis, whose therapeuti...

Pemphigus vegetans with isolated involvement of the nose and chest: rare variant of pemphigus vulgaris

An. bras. dermatol; 94 (4), 2019
Abstract: Pemphigus vulgaris is chronic bullous disease that manifests as bullae and erosions of skin and mucosas, with intraepidermal suprabasal cleft formation seen in the histological examination. It has a rare variant called pemphigus vegetans, where vesicles and bullae are replaced by pustular, verr...

Intervenciones para el tratamiento de la enfermedad aguda de montaña
Interventions for the treatment of the disease sharp mountain

Diabetes mellitus asociada a pancreatitis autoinmune: caso clínico

Rev. méd. Chile; 147 (5), 2019
Autoimmune pancreatitis is uncommon, responds to steroids and is usually associated with diabetes mellitus. We report a 73 year-old male who, two months after a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, presented with obstructive jaundice and weight loss. Abdominal magnetic resonance imaging was suggestive of an a...