Results: 60

Hernia femoral de Littré estrangulada: reporte de caso clínico

Rev. chil. cir; 69 (6), 2017
Resumen Objetivo: Presentar un caso de hernia femoral de Littré estrangulada. Caso clínico: Hombre de 86 años, que consultó por cuadro de dolor abdominal periumbilical postraumático de 4 días de evolución que se acompañaba de vómitos y ausencia de deposiciones con tránsito de gases conservado...

Synthetic mesh repair of an anterior perineal hernia following robotic radical urethrocystectomy

Int. braz. j. urol; 43 (5), 2017
ABSTRACT Introduction: Perineal hernia is a protrusion of intra-abdominal viscera through a defect in the pelvic floor and is a rare but challenging complication after extensive abdominoperineal surgery. There have been small series published after colorectal exenteration, but no cases have been reporte...

Comparative study of postoperative pain between the lichtenstein and laparoscopy surgical techniques for the treatment of unilateral primary inguinal hernia

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 30 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: There are several surgical treatment options for inguinal hernia; however, there is no consensus on the literature identifying which surgical technique promotes less postoperative pain. Aim: To compare the intensity of postoperative pain between the surgical techniques Lichtenstei...

Impact of obesity and surgical skills in laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal hernioplasty

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 30 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal (TEP) hernia repair is a technically demanding procedure. Recent studies have identified BMI as an independent factor for technical difficulty in the learning period. Aim: To analyze the effect of overweight and obesity on the technical difficul...

Comparison between inguinal herniotomies with and without incising external oblique aponeurosis: a randomized clinical trial

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 30 (3), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: Inguinal herniotomy is the most common surgery performed by pediatric surgeons. Aim: To compare the results and complications between two conventional methods of pediatric inguinal herniotomy with and without incising external oblique aponeurosis in terms of recurrence of hernia an...

Herniorrafia inguinal convencional com tela autofixante versus videolaparoscópica totalmente extraperitoneal com tela de polipropileno: resultados no pós-operatório precoce

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 44 (3), 2017
RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o resultado no pós-operatório precoce do tratamento da hérnia inguinal pela técnica convencional com tela autofixante versus videolaparoscópica totalmente extraperitoneal com uso da tela de polipropileno. Foram comparados, sobretudo, dor, tempo cirúrgico e complicações p...

Robotic Transversus Abdominis Release (TAR): is it possible to offer minimally invasive surgery for abdominal wall complex defects?

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 44 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT We describe the preliminary national experience and the early results of the use of robotic surgery to perform the posterior separation of abdominal wall components by the Transversus Abdominis Release (TAR) technique for the correction of complex defects of the abdominal wall. We performed the ...

Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia (grynfelt): technical description

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 30 (1), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: Lumbar hernias are rare. Usually manifest with reducible volume increase in the post-lateral region of the abdomen and may occur in two specific anatomic defects: the triangles of Grynfelt (upper) and Petit (lower). Despite controversies with better repair, laparoscopic approach, f...

Reinforcement of the pelvic diaphragm using a purse-string suture in dogs: description of technique

Recurrence of perineal hernias is frequent, and is associated to poor identification of anatomical structures during surgery, inadequate suture placement, and failure of physical support of the pelvic diaphragm after surgical reconstruction. The objective of this work is to describe a novel surgical tech...

Quadratus lumborum block in chronic pain after abdominal hernia repair: case report

Rev. bras. anestesiol; 67 (1), 2017
Abstract Background and objectives: The quadratus lumborum blockade was described by R. Blanco in its two approaches (I and II). The local anesthetic deposition in this location can provide blockade to T6-L1 dermatomes. We performed this fascia blockade guided by ultrasound for treating a chronic neurop...