Results: 43

Declaración de conflictos de intereses: contribución a la mejoría en la calidad ética de las publicaciones

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (8), 2016
Conflicts of interest are situations in which professional judgment concerning a primary interest, tends to be influenced by a secondary interest. These conflicts could compromise the reliability of biomedical research and result in the dissemination of biased results. Therefore, it is essential to prote...

Problemas éticos y de salud planteados por la reciente epidemia de Ébola: ¿Qué debemos aprender?

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (3), 2016
The recent Ebola epidemic that affected several countries in Africa, with very high mortality and a pandemic threat, posed problems of justice, public health, prevention, treatment and research, each of which has relevant ethical issues. Despite severe initial difficulties, an effective international res...

Neuroethics: the pursuit of transforming medical ethics in scientific ethics

Biol. Res; 49 (), 2016
Ethical problems resulting from brain research have given rise to a new discipline termed neuroethics, representing a new kind of knowledge capable of discovering the neural basis for universal ethics. The article (1) tries to evaluate the contributions of neuroethics to medical ethics and its suitabilit...

Autonomia e beneficência em um CEP Universitário

Rev. AMRIGS; 56 (3), 2012
Introdução: No decorrer da história da Medicina, muitas pesquisas biomédicas foram realizadas, trazendo um grande conhecimento sobre a humanidade, entretanto, em alguns casos, os procedimentos causavam dor e sofrimento para os sujeitos da pesquisa. Os Comitês de Ética em Pesquisa surgiram para evit...