Results: 245

Childbirth, puerperium and abortion care protocol during the Covid-19 pandemic

Abstract The new coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2, SARSCoV- 2) is a virus that causes a potentially serious respiratory disease that has spread in several countries, reaching humans in all age groups, including pregnant women. The purpose of this protocol is to provide...

Estimación de la prevalencia de riesgo de síndrome de apneas obstructivas del sueño en funcionarios de una Institución de Salud según el cuestionario STOP-Bang

INTRODUCCIÓN: En Chile, se estima que 8,5% de los adultos tiene riesgo elevado de síndrome de apnea e hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS). OBJETIVO: Estimar el riesgo de SAHOS en funcionarios de la salud. MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se consignaron los datos clínicos, antropométricos, presión arterial, ...

Tamizaje de riesgo nutricional en el niño hospitalizado: validación de una herramienta elaborada en un hospital de alta complejidad de Ciudad de Buenos Aires

Med. infant; 27 (1), 2020
Introducción: El niño hospitalizado se encuentra en estado de vulnerabilidad nutricional. El tamizaje nutricional permite identificar malnutrición y/o el riesgo de desarrollarla, para realizar un abordaje precoz. El Área de Alimentación del Hospital Garrahan desarrolló la “Herramienta de Tamizaje...

Proposal of a clinical score to stratify the risk of multidrug-resistant gram-negative rods bacteremia in cancer patients

Braz. j. infect. dis; 24 (1), 2020
ABSTRACT Introduction: Multidrug-resistant gram-negative rods (MDR GNR) represent a growing threat for patients with cancer. Our objective was to determine the characteristics of and risk factors for MDR GNR bacteremia in patients with cancer and to develop a clinical score to predict MDR GNR bacteremia...

Detección del nivel de riesgo de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en estudiantes universitarios de psicología - Perú

Summa psicol. UST; 17 (1), 2020
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo detectar el nivel de riesgo por consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA) en una muestra de 324 universitarios ingresantes a Psicología en Arequipa – Perú, siendo el 73.15% de sexo femenino y 26.85% masculino, con edades que fluctúan entre los 18 y 25 años. Se ...

Health belief model for coronavirus infection risk determinants

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To use the advantages of a ratio scale with verbal anchors in order to measure the risk perception in the novel coronavirus infection, which causes covid-19, in a health belief model-based questionnaire, as well as its validity and reproducibility. METHOD We used the health belief mo...

Escalas para prevenção de lesão por pressão em unidades de terapia intensiva: revisão integrativa

Rev Rene (Online); 21 (), 2020
Objetivo: descrever os elementos constitutivos do cuidado de enfermagem presentes nas escalas de avaliação do risco de lesão por pressão usadas em unidades de terapia intensiva. Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura a partir do LILACS, MEDLINE, SCIELO e BDENF. Os descritores ut...

Evaluation of nutritional risk factors in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation-eligible patients

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the nutritional risk factors in patients eligible for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Methods A cross-sectional, descriptive study conducted with patients recruited from an hematology outpatient clinic. Study variables included demographic and clinical data, pati...

A neural network for prediction of risk of nosocomial infection at intensive care units: a didactic preliminary model

ABSTRACT Objective: To propose a preliminary artificial intelligence model, based on artificial neural networks, for predicting the risk of nosocomial infection at intensive care units. Methods: An artificial neural network is designed that employs supervised learning. The generation of the datasets wa...