Results: 52

Obesity is the main determinant of insulin resistance more than the circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines levels in rheumatoid arthritis patients

Rev. bras. reumatol; 57 (4), 2017
ABSTRACT Background: Systemic blockade of TNF-α in Rheumatoid arthritis with insulin resistance seems to produce more improvement in insulin sensitivity in normal weight patients with Rheumatoid arthritis than in obese patients with Rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that systemic-inflammation and ob...

Association of subclinical inflammation, glycated hemoglobin and risk for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 15 (2), 2017
ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the inter-relation between high sensitivity C-reactive protein and glycated hemoglobin in prediction of risk of obstructive sleep apnea. Methods We included all individuals participating in a check-up program at the Preventive Medicine Center of Hospital Israelita Albe...

Marcadores séricos del primer trimestre y riesgo obstétrico en una población con alta prevalencia de obesidad
First-trimester serum markers and obstetric risk in a population with a high prevalence of obesity

Objetivo: La detección precoz del riesgo de complicaciones de la gestación como preeclampsia, parto pretérmino, y aborto, permitiría evitar morbimortalidad y secuelas. Hemos estudiado la relación entre niveles bajos de PAPP-A y BhCG con malos resultados obstétricos en una población con alta preval...

Evaluation of salivary oxidative parameters in overweight and obese young adults

ABSTRACT Background Obesity is characterized by a deposition of abnormal or excessive fat in adipose tissue, and is linked with a risk of damage to several metabolic and pathological processes associated with oxidative stress. To date, salivary oxidative biomarkers have been minimally explored in obese...

Correlation between adipokines and carotid intima media thickness in a group of obese Romanian children: is small for gestational age status an independent factor for cardiovascular risk?

ABSTRACT Objective To investigate the relationship between markers of adiposity and common carotid artery (CIMT) in obese children born small for gestational age (SGA) versus appropriate for gestational age (AGA), to establish cut-off values for CIMT in obese pediatric populations. Subjects and method...

Evaluation of clinical and laboratory markers of cardiometabolic risk in overweight and obese children and adolescents

Clinics; 72 (1), 2017
OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed the frequency of cardiometabolic risk markers and metabolic syndrome occurrence in overweight and obese children and adolescents. METHODS: The participants included 161 overweight (n=65) and obese (n=96) individuals aged between 5 and 19 years. Clinical markers were assess...

Preliminary analysis of interleukin-6 changes in pre- and postoperative in diabetic patients with bmi <35 submitted to partial duodenal switch

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 29 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Background: Studies related to obesity have shown association with metabolic syndrome. Data showing that obesity is capable to cause low grade chronic inflammation, without its classic signs and symptoms, call attention to researches to study different cells types and the mechanism of the infl...

Ser físicamente activo modifica los efectos nocivos del sedentarismo sobre marcadores de obesidad y cardiometabólicos en adultos

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (11), 2016
Background: Sedentary behavior is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Aim: To investigate whether the associations between sedentary behavior and cardiometabolic markers differs across physical activity levels. Materials and Methods: Cross sectional study of 314 participants age...

Obesity, Serum Resistin and Leptin Levels Linked to Coronary Artery Disease

Arq. bras. cardiol; 107 (4), 2016
Abstract Background: Clinical studies have demonstrated that adipocytokines play an important role in developing atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases. Objective: The aim of study was to evaluate the relationship between serum resistin and leptin levels with obesity and coronary artery disease (CAD)....

Increased ultrasensitive C-reactive protein is not associated with obesity in hospitalized heart failure patients

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 14 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the association between obesity and levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in patients with heart failure admitted to a tertiary hospital. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a consecutive sampling of hospitalized patients with heart failure. Sociodemogra...