Results: 197

Percepción social del SARS-CoV-2 en la mirada de una comunidad rural

Introducción: en la actual pandemia por COVID-19, las megalópolis han sido un foco importante de atención por la densidad poblacional con la que cuentan, dado que esta impacta directamente en el número de contagios registrados; sin embargo, el riesgo al que se enfrentan las comunidades rurales es alt...

Negative nursing stereotypes: past or present?

Introduction: nursing has been moving towards the formation of its own body of knowledge through increased research and technological advances. However, the social image of the profession identified in society seems to reflect an invisible professional with an outdated professional image associated with ...

Percepción social sobre roedores urbanos y riesgo sanitario en barrios del Gran La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Social perception on urban rodents and sanitary risk in neighborhoods from Gran La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina

NTRODUCCIÓN: Los roedores sinantrópicos, representados por el ratón doméstico (Mus musculus), la rata parda (Rattus norvegicus) y la rata negra (Rattus rattus), representan un riesgo importante para la salud. En Sudamérica, la fragmentación socioeconómica se refleja en marcadas diferencias entre c...

As violências na percepção de jovens universitários

Resumo Objetivo Identificar a percepção de jovens universitários acerca dos processos de proteção e desgaste relacionados às violências. Métodos Pesquisa exploratória com abordagem qualitativa. Dados coletados por meio de questionário eletrônico no período de junho de 2017 a abril de 2018...

Representações sociais de adultos soropositivos sobre vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana e Aids

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 12 (), 2022
Objetivo: identificar as representações sociais de adultos soropositivos acerca do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) e da Aids. Método: pesquisa de campo, do tipo exploratório-descritiva, com abordagem qualitativa, fundamentada na Teoria das Representações Sociais, realizada de 2017 a 2018, ...

Pediatric Oral Health Self-reported by Caregivers of NormalHearing and Hearing-Impaired Children

Abstract Objective: To verify and compare the sociodemographic data and caregivers' self-perception of children's oral health condition, hygiene habits and seek for dental services among family units of deaf and normalhearing children. Material and Methods: A comparative cross-sectional study was condu...

Representações sociais de adolescentes sobre a transmissão do HIV/AIDS nas relações sexuais: vulnerabilidades e riscos

RESUMO Objetivo compreender as representações sociais de adolescentes sobre vulnerabilidades e riscos para contrair o HIV/Aids nas relações sexuais. Método estudo de representações sociais, realizado a partir de entrevistas individuais com 15 adolescentes e grupo focal com oito adolescentes de u...

Self-Declared Oral Health Conditions and Oral Health-Related Quality of Life of the Brazilian Homeless Population: A Cross-Sectional Study

Abstract Objective: To associate the impact of oral health-related quality of life with socio-demographic determinants, self-perception, oral health conditions and access to dental treatment among homeless adults. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a medium-sized Brazilian...

Dental Whitening: Self-Referred Needs versus Professional Indication

Abstract Objective: To analyze the self-reported need of patients compared to professional indications for tooth whitening. Material and Methods: Initially, 58 undergraduate students responded to a form that highlighted the question: "Do you think you need to have your teeth whitened?" Among those who ...

A Multivariate Analysis of the Psychosocial Impact of Malocclusion and Self-Esteem in Adolescents

Abstract Objective: To evaluate the psychosocial impact of malocclusion and self-esteem in adolescents in the Amazon region. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out with 212 adolescents with 12-year-old enrolled in all public schools in the Boca do Acre (Amazonas, Brazil). Psychos...