RESUMO Estudo experimental in vitro que objetivou investigar o potencial antimicrobiano e
citotóxico de quatro frações e um extrato etanólico da espécie Pouteria venosa usada como
planta medicinal. A atividade antimicrobiana foi determinada pelos testes de sensibilidade
microbiana, como o métod...
Introducción: en el diagnóstico de dengue es importante la determinación del serotipo viral. A pesar de existir otros métodos, el aislamiento viral en cultivos de células y la identificación por la técnica de inmunofluorescencia siguen siendo muy utilizados. Por lo tanto, la búsqueda de sistemas ...
BACKGROUND: The whitish tender leaves of Palmyrah are used for making handicrafts. The problem with these articles is discolouration with time and become more brittle due to fungal attack. This could be prevented by some protective coating. Instead of expensive and harmful chemicals we decided to test na...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the microbial susceptibility to ß-lactams and metronidazole, and evaluate the production of ß-lactamases by microorganisms isolated from patients with chronic or aggressive periodontitis. The samples were obtained from 50 patients with periodontitis and micro...
Introducción: el uso de fármacos fuera de rangos terapéuticos es un problema hospitalario, pues pocas veces se tienen en cuenta parámetros antropométricos del paciente, determinantes en las concentraciones del medicamento. Objetivo: aplicar un modelo matemático basado en parámetros del paciente, p...
Due to the great variability in antimicrobial resistance patterns, local reports of cumulative antimicrobial susceptibility data are necessary in every health center. The purpose is to guide clinical decisions and the early detection of patterns that allow preventive measures to avoid dissemination of re...
The automated BACTEC MGIT 960 system was compared with the method of proportion (MP) for testing susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antituberculous drugs. 275 strains of M. tuberculosis isolated in Chile from 270 patients between 2001 and 2003 were tested. Concordance of BACTEC MGIT 960 with...