Results: 359

Localización intraoperatoria de las recurrencias en cáncer de tiroides mediante la inyección de azul de metileno guiada por ecografía

Rev. colomb. cir; 36 (4), 2021
Introducción. La cirugía para extirpación de metástasis en un cuello previamente intervenido afronta un reto para lograr una resección exitosa. El presente estudio pretende demostrar la utilidad de la técnica de inyección de azul de metileno, guiada por ecografía, para la localizaci...

Tumor-like herpes simplex infection in an HIV patient

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (4), 2021
Abstract A 56-year-old male, HIV-positive, presented with a 3-day history of multiple indurated erythematous nodules with superficial and well-defined erosions on his right gluteus. Skin biopsy showed ballooning-necrotic keratinocytes and cultures were positive for herpes simplex 2. Genital herpes simple...

Recurrence of melanoma in the scar after excised Spitz nevus in a 17-year-old child

An. bras. dermatol; 96 (4), 2021
Abstract Melanoma in childhood is rare and its diagnosis is more difficult than in adults, as it often presents histologic features overlapping with the Spitz nevus. The authors report the case of a 17-year old boy who was first diagnosed with Spitz nevus, however, the final diagnosis made after the exci...

Central nervous system international prognostic index impacts overall survival in diffuse large b-cell lymphoma treated with r-chop in a third level cancer center from Mexico: a survey of 642 patients

Rev. invest. clín; 73 (4), 2021
Background: Central nervous system international prognosis index (CNS-IPI) is validated in European and the USA cancer databases. However, no validation has been done in Mexican population. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the impact of the CNS-IPI on central nervous system (CNS) rela...

Como os brasileiros acessam a Atenção Básica em Saúde: evolução e adversidades no período recente (2012-2018)

Ciênc. Saúde Colet; 26 (8), 2021
Resumo O objetivo do estudo é analisar o acesso à atenção básica (AB) no Brasil, entre 2012 e 2018, considerando a disponibilidade de serviços, as características físico-estruturais, temporais e organizacionais das unidades básicas de saúde e das equipes, apontando seus principais avanços e ob...

Cyclic ACTH-secreting thymic carcinoid: a case report and review of the literature

SUMMARY Cyclic Cushing's syndrome (CS) due to thymic carcinoid is a rare disorder. We report a case of cyclic CS due to ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-secreting atypical thymic carcinoid tumor and reviewed similar cases published in the literature. Our patient had hypercortisolemia lasting ap...

Effects of concomitant obesity and diabetes on the aggressiveness and outcomes of differentiated thyroid cancer patients

ABSTRACT Objective: Obesity and diabetes are the risk factors for cancer development including differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). Contradictory accumulated data indicates the possible negative effects of obesity and hyperglyceamia as a factor for aggressiveness of DTC. The aim of the present study is ...

Thyroid collision tumor containing oncocytic carcinoma, classical and hobnail variants of papillary carcinoma and areas of poorly differentiated carcinoma

SUMMARY Collision tumors are rare and may comprise components with different behavior, treatments, and prognosis. We report an unprecedented case of aggressive thyroid collision tumor containing widely invasive oncocytic carcinoma (OC), classical and hobnail (HPTC) variants of papillary carcinoma, and po...

Epidemiological features of meningiomas: a single Brazilian center's experience with 993 cases

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 79 (8), 2021
ABSTRACT Background: Meningiomas are the most frequent primary central nervous system (CNS) tumors. Their geographical and ethnic characteristics need to be known, in order to enable rational treatment. Objective: To investigate clinical and epidemiological aspects in a series of patients with meningio...

Sobrevida após exenteração pélvica em câncer de colo de útero recidivado: uma série de cinco casos

Femina; 49 (7), 2021
A exenteração pélvica pode curar pacientes com câncer de colo do útero com recorrência central após radioterapia e quimioterapia. A avaliação pré-operatória é essencial para excluir doença metastática e evitar cirurgias desnecessárias nesse cenário. O objetivo do presente estudo é avalia...