Results: 36

Submucosal lipoma simulating a malignant tumor of the left colon: a case report

Intestinal lipomas can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, and these tumors are more frequent in the colon. By being largely asymptomatic, colonic lipomas are usually found incidentally, as findings in colonoscopy examinations, in association with biopsy. Endoscopic or surgical resection is the...

Endoscopic gastric submucosal dissection: experimental comparative protocol between standard technique and Hybrid-Knife(r)

Arq. gastroenterol; 53 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Background Endoscopic treatment of superficial gastrointestinal tumors is routinely performed, however the advantages and shortcomings of submucosal pressure-jet dissection is still debated. Objective - Aiming to compare this technique with conventional submucosal dissection, a study was desig...

Comparative analysis of endoscopic and histopathological features of superficial elevated lesions resected by endoscopic mucosal resection in the distal and proximal colon

Rev. Col. Bras. Cir; 43 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: to compare endoscopic and histopathologic features of superficial, elevated lesions with one or more centimeters in diameter, diagnosed by videocolonoscopy on the distal and proximal colon, and subjected to mucosal resection. Methods: we conducted a retrospective, cross-sectional, ...

Pneumoretroperitoneum, pneumomediastinum and subcutaneous emphysema after endoscopic submucosal dissection of a rectal lateral spreading tumor

Introduction: Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) is an already established procedure in the treatment of gastric and esophageal cancer in its early stages. Colorectal lesions, initially approached by endoscopic mucosal resection en bloc or in fragments, are the current focus for submucosal approach, ...

Tratamento endoscópico do câncer retal precoce

Relata-se um caso de tratamento endoscópico de câncer retal precoce. Paciente do sexo masculino, 63 anos, foi admitido no Serviço de Endoscopia do Hospital Ana Costa para a realização de colonoscopia para seguimento de doença diverticular dos cólons. Durante o procedimento, além da diverticulose,...

Tumor de células granulares de esôfago: relato de 3 casos

O esôfago é o local mais comum de tumor de células granulares de origem no trato gastrintestinal. Cerca de 270 casos de tumores de células granulares do esôfago têm sido relatados na literatura. A maioria é encontrada incidentalmente durante a endoscopia. Apesar de ser reconhecido facilmente por s...