Results: 48

Características psicológicas e cognitivas relacionadas aos aspectos clínicos e socioeconômicos dos pacientes em hemodiálise
Psychological and cognitive characteristics related to clinical and socioeconomic aspects of hemodialysis patients

Rev. cuba. enferm; 33 (3), 2017
RESUMO Introdução: a hemodiálise contribui para a eliminação de substâncias indesejáveis ao organismo, de modo a diminuir os efeitos do comprometimento da disfunção renal, mas algumas repercussões em diferentes áreas do corpo são percebidas, como as psicológicas e cognitivas. Objetivo: id...

Mindfulness in mood and anxiety disorders: a review of the literature

Abstract Introduction The objective of this study was to conduct a review of the literature covering the use of different mindfulness-based therapy approaches in treatment of mood and anxiety disorders, including mindfulness skills and mindfulness linked to emotional regulation and fear of negative app...

Effects of a Health Education program on cognition, mood and functional capacity

ABSTRACT Objective: Assess the effect of a Health Education (HE) program on cognition, mood and functional capacity of participants in a University of The Third Age (U3A). Method: Controlled clinical trial. The HE Program consisted of 10 sessions with group dynamics, including orientations on disease p...

Potential role of a cognitive rehabilitation program following left temporal lobe epilepsy surgery

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 75 (6), 2017
ABSTRACT Research into memory and epilepsy has focused on measuring problems and exploring causes with limited attention directed at the role of neuropsychological rehabilitation in alleviating post-operative memory difficulties. Objectives To assess the effects of a memory rehabilitation program in pa...

The putative catalytic role of higher serotonin bioavailability in the clinical response to exposure and response prevention in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Objective: Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is effective to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), but the lack of tolerance to the aversion nature of exposure techniques results in a high drop-out rate. There have been reports of a generic stress endurance effect of serotonin (5-HT) in the cen...

Efetividade de uma intervenção fisioterapêutica cognitivo-motora em idosos institucionalizados com comprometimento cognitivo leve e demência leve

Resumo O objetivo desta pesquisa foi verificar a efetividade de quatro meses de intervenção fisioterapêutica cognitivo-motora, com frequência semanal única, na cognição, mobilidade e independência funcional de idosos com comprometimento cognitivo e demência leves residentes em instituição. Sob...

Angiomas venosos y cefalea en pediatría: un caso clínico

Rev. chil. pediatr; 87 (4), 2016
Introducción: Los angiomas venosos (AV) son entidades benignas que infrecuentemente presentan síntomas. Objetivo: Reporte de un caso y revisión del tema. Caso clínico: Escolar, de sexo femenino, 6 años, que inicia cefaleas bifrontales frecuentes 3-4 veces por semana, en relación con trabajo académ...

Realidade virtual nas técnicas da Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental: Transtornos de Traumas, Ansiedade e Depressão

Este artigo tem como objetivo investigar o que a literatura PSI traz sobre as técnicas cognitivo-comportamental, com ênfase nos Transtornos relacionados à Trauma e a Estressores, Depressivos e de Ansiedade, aliadas à realidade virtual. Este estudo foi realizado por meio de uma revisão sistemática d...

Development of Brazilian prototypes for short-term psychotherapies

Abstract Introduction: The Psychotherapy Process Q-Set (PQS) prototype method is used to measure the extent to which ideal processes of different psychotherapies are present in real cases, allowing researchers to examine how adherence to these models relates to or predicts change. Results from studies ...

Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in eating disorders: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 14 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT Eating disorders are psychiatric conditions originated from and perpetuated by individual, family and sociocultural factors. The psychosocial approach to treatment and prevention of relapse is crucial. To present an overview of the scientific evidence on effectiveness of psychosocial interventio...