Results: 47

Beneficios de la terapia psicológica y farmacológica en adultos con trastorno por atracón
Benefits of psychological and pharmacological therapy in adults with binge eating disorder

Comentarios sobre aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos del trastorno por atracón
Comments on clinical and epidemiological aspects of binge eating disorder

Rev. cuba. endocrinol; 29 (2), 2018
Antecedentes: el trastorno por atracón frecuentemente se asocia con enfermedades psiquiátricas asociadas, dentro de las cuales se encuentra la obesidad y sus consecuencias. Objetivo: describir aspectos clínicos y epidemiológicos del trastorno por atracón, en particular, su prevalencia, sus factores ...

Trastornos alimentarios en mujeres adultas (maduras)

Resumen Antecedentes: Existe evidencia de un creciente número de mujeres en la mediana edad que sufren trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA). Objetivo: Describir las mujeres en la adultez mediana con TCA, en relación a sus características epidemiológicas, etiopatogénicas, clínicas, evolutiv...

Concept and evaluation of food craving: unidimensional scales based on the Trait and the State Food Craving Questionnaire

Abstract: "Craving" is a motivational state that promotes an intense desire related to consummatory behaviors. Despite growing interest in the concept of food craving, there is a lack of available instruments to assess it in Brazilian Portuguese. The objectives were to translate and adapt the Trait and t...

Depression, anxiety, and binge eating before and after bariatric surgery: problems that remain

ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.); 31 (1), 2018
ABSTRACT Background: As the number of surgeries increases and the elapsed time of the realization increases as well, the postoperative evaluations would become increasingly necessary. Aim: To assess the psychological profile before and after surgery. Methods: Were evaluated 281 patients from the pub...

Night eating and binge eating disorder in employeesof an academic institution

Mundo Saúde (Online); 42 (1), 2018
The present study aimed to evaluate the incidence of nocturnal eating and binge eating sydrome in employees of a public institution of higher education. A cross-sectional analytical study was developed between August 2015 and July 2016. Theinitial sample consisted of approximately 150 contracted employee...

Compulsão alimentar periódica: aspecto negligenciado na abordagem de pacientes com síndrome metabólica

HU Rev. (Online); 44 (2), 2018
Introdução: obesidade, um dos principais componentes da síndrome metabólica frequentemente associa-se à compulsão alimentar periódica. Objetivo: o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a presença da compulsão alimentar periódica em mulheres com síndrome metabólica e a pos...

Incidência da síndrome do comer noturno e compulsão alimentar em estudantes de nutrição

Saude e pesqui. (Impr.); 10 (1), 2017
O presente trabalho objetiva caracterizar a incidência da síndrome do comer noturno e a compulsão alimentar em estudantes do curso de nutrição. Trata-se de um estudo transversal de caráter analítico realizado em uma instituição de nível superior em Petrolina –PE. Foram aplicados três questio...

Binge eating under a complex reading: Subsidies for the praxis of food and nutrition education

Rev. Nutr. (Online); 29 (6), 2016
ABSTRACT Binge eating disorder is characterized by the consumption of large amounts of food in a short time, accompanied by the feeling of lack of control, remorse and guilt. binge eating disorder has a close interface with the obesity problem, a matter of great dimensions for health services, especially...

Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in eating disorders: an overview of Cochrane systematic reviews

Einstein (Säo Paulo); 14 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT Eating disorders are psychiatric conditions originated from and perpetuated by individual, family and sociocultural factors. The psychosocial approach to treatment and prevention of relapse is crucial. To present an overview of the scientific evidence on effectiveness of psychosocial interventio...