Results: 36

Habilidades sociais: fator de proteção contra transtornos alimentares em adolescentes

Resumo O objetivo desse estudo foi revisar a literatura a cerca da relação entre transtornos alimentares e habilidades sociais em adolescentes. Pesquisou-se as bases de dados Medline, SciELO e Lilacs, cruzando os descritores “transtornos alimentares”, “anorexia nervosa”, “...

El síndrome de ovario poliquístico: aspectos psicológicos
Polycystic ovary syndrome: psychological aspects

ANTECEDENTES: La gran mayoría de la literatura científica sobre el síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) ha utilizado un enfoque bio-médico para analizar esta enfermedad. En América Latina, y específicamente en idioma español, hay escasa información sobre las relaciones del SOP con factores psic...

Family relations in eating disorders: the Genogram as instrument of assessment

The present study aimed to evaluate the transactional patterns in families of women with EDs, through the use of the Genogram. The study included 12 girls and women linked to a multidisciplinary service. For the preparation of Genograms, a semistructured interview script was built that included specific ...

Teoría de la mente en los trastornos alimentarios: ¿endofenotipo de la enfermedad?
[Theory of Mind in eating disorders: endophenotype of the disease?].

UNLABELLED: Considering the clinical and empirical evidence of socio-cognitive difficulties in patients with eating disorders, this paper aims to critically review the current state of research on theory of mind in anorexia and bulimia, to evaluate if there is any alteration of it in these pathologies an...

Impairment in psychosocial functioning in patients with different subtypes of eating disorders

OBJECTIVE: To examine psychosocial functioning in eating disorder (ED) patients with restrictive and purgative subtypes. METHOD: Forty-four adult female patients with a diagnosis of ED were divided into restrictive (RP) and purgative (PP) groups according the presence of purgative symptoms. Functioning w...

La imagen corporal: hacia una construcción social para la Psicología Industrial Organizacional

Poiésis (En línea); 18 (Dic), 2009
El concepto de la imagen corporal ha sido poco estudiado en el campo de la Psicología Industrial/Organizacional. Dicho tema ha estado vinculado mayormente con aspectos psicopatológicos relacionados a trastornos alimentarios. La imagen corporal es un constructo psicológico complejo, que se refiere a c...