Results: 436

Can procalcitonin be a diagnostic marker for catheter-related blood stream infection in children?

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 92 (4), 2016
Abstract Objective The potential role of procalcitonin (PCT) in the diagnosis of catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSIs) is still unclear and requires further research. The diagnostic value of serum PCT for the diagnosis of CRBSI in children is evaluated here. Method This study was conducted be...

Evaluación de estrés oxidativo en pacientes con Lupus Eritematoso Sistémico y su posible relación con la exposición ambiental a agroquímicos

Acta toxicol. argent; 24 (1), 2016
Los agroquímicos son un método efectivo para controlar especies perjudiciales a los intereses del hombre, pero aplicados indiscriminadamente provocan diversos impactos a nivel ambiental y en la salud. Uno de los mecanismos más importantes por el cual los agroquímicos se ponen en contacto directo con ...

Plomo y nefropatía: biomarcadores urinarios en la detección de daño renal precoz

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (6), 2016
The role of lead (Pb) as an environmental cause of nephropathy is difficult to ascertain due to the difficulty to determine clinically its exposure. Aim: To assess lead levels and renal function in a group of males working in mechanical workshops. Material and Methods: Blood and urine samples were obtain...

On lupus, vitamin D and leukopenia

Rev. bras. reumatol; 56 (3), 2016
Resumo Introdução A regulação imune está entre os efeitos não calcêmicos da vitamina D. Assim, essa vitamina pode influenciar em doenças autoimunes, como o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES). Objetivos Estudar a prevalência da deficiência de vitamina D no LES e sua associação com o perfil ...

Valor prognóstico da procalcitonina em pacientes com infecções do trato respiratório inferior no ambiente hospitalar

RESUMO Infecções do trato respiratório inferior são condições frequentes e potencialmente letais, consistindo nas principais causas de prescrição inadequada de antibióticos. A caracterização de sua gravidade e a predição prognóstica dos pacientes acometidos auxiliam na condução, permitind...

The role of daily physical activity and nutritional status on bone turnover in cystic fibrosis: a cross-sectional study

ABSTRACT Background Nutritional status and daily physical activity (PA) may be an excellent tool for the maintenance of bone health in patients with cystic fibrosis (CF). Objective To evaluate the relationship between nutritional status, daily physical activity and bone turnover in cystic fibrosis pati...

Early Markers of Atherosclerotic Disease in Individuals with Excess Weight and Dyslipidemia

Arq. bras. cardiol; 106 (6), 2016
Abstract Background: Excessive weight is a cardiovascular risk factor since it generates a chronic inflammatory process that aggravates the endothelial function. Objective: To evaluate the endothelial function in individuals with excess weight and mild dyslipidemia using brachial artery flow-mediated d...

Ancho de distribución eritrocitaria como potencial biomarcador clínico en enfermedades cardiovasculares

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (5), 2016
Red cell distribution width (RDW) is a measurement of the variation in size, as well as an index of heterogeneity of erythrocytes, which is used in combination with other hematologic parameters as an aid to the differential diagnosis of hypochromic anemia. RDW could also serve as a biomarker in the diagn...

Procalcitonin determined at emergency department as an early indicator of progression to septic shock in patient with sepsis associated with ureteral calculi

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (2), 2016
ABSTRACT Introduction: To investigate the role of initial procalcitonin (PCT) level as an early predictor of septic shock for the patient with sepsis induced by acute pyelonephritis (APN) secondary to ureteral calculi. Materials and Methods: The data from 49 consecutive patients who met criteria of sep...

Evaluation of creatinine-based and cystatin C-based equations for estimation of glomerular filtration rate in type 1 diabetic patients

ABSTRACT Objective Several formulas based in different biomarkers may be used to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GRF). However, all of them have some limitations, and it is very important to evaluate their performances in different groups of patients. Therefore, we compared GFR, as estimated by cr...