Results: 5174

Cases requiring increased number of repositioning maneuvers in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is a clinical syndrome that is proposed to be caused by dislocated utricular debris into semicircular canals. Although the majority of patients are treated by one or two repositioning maneuvers, some of the patients need repeated maneuv...

Effectiveness of acupuncture therapy as treatment for tinnitus: a randomized controlled trial

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Tinnitus is a subjective sensation of hearing a sound in the absence of an external stimulus, which significantly worsens the quality of life in 15-25% of affected individuals. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of acupuncture therapy for tinnitus. METHODS: Randomized cli...

Two-level septocolumellar suture technique for correction of septal caudal dislocation

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Caudal septal dislocation is a respiratory and cosmetic problem. The correction of caudal septal dislocation is a challenging issue. Although different modalities have been described for the treatment, it is still controversial. OBJECTIVES: This study aims to describe a two-lev...

Trans-oral endoscopic partial adenoidectomy does not worsen the speech after cleft palate repair

ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Adenoid hypertrophy may play a role in velopharyngeal closure especially in patients with palatal abnormality; adenoidectomy may lead to velopharyngeal insufficiency and hyper nasal speech. Patients with cleft palate even after repair should not undergo adenoidectomy unless absol...

Factores asociados con el éxito de la terapia antitabaco en pacientes tratados con vareniclina: 10 años de experiencia en un programa multidisciplinario

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (8), 2016
Background: Smoking cessation therapies include counseling, psychological management and pharmacological therapy. Varenicline is the most effective and safe medication available. Aim: To study risk factors for the failure of pharmacological smoking cessation therapy with varenicline. Patients and Methods...

Sensibilidad al cambio de la versión español-chileno del cuestionario International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Short-Form (ICIQ-SF) para incontinencia urinaria femenina

Rev. méd. Chile; 144 (8), 2016
Background: A symptom questionnaire must be able to detect minimal changes after treatment to be clinically useful. Aim: To evaluate the responsiveness of the Spanish-Chilean version of the ICIQ-SF questionnaire after medical and surgical procedures for the treatment of urinary incontinence (UI) in women...

Dentinogenesis Imperfecta: A Case Report of Five Patients in the Same Family Group

Dentinogenesis imperfecta (DI) is a type of dentin dysplasia that affects the dentin structure of one or both dentitions, which may be classified in three types. The aim of this report was to show the clinical and radiographic features of the four cases of DI in the same family group. Five brothers were ...

Alternativas de uso y eficacia analgésica en el dolor de origen dental en un servicio de urgencias de atención primaria

El propósito de esta investigación fue conocer las características del dolor de origen dental (DOD) urgente en un Servicio de Urgencias de Atención Primaria, las preferencias terapéuticas de los médicos de Urgencias y su eficacia clínica. Para ello se realizó un cuestionario a 114 médicos de Urg...

Platelet-rich plasma in diabetic dry eye disease

Rev. bras. oftalmol; 75 (4), 2016
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of autologous Plasma- rich platelet (PRP) in symptomatic dry eye of diabetic patients. Design A prospective single group interventional study. Participants: Twelve diabetic patients with refractory dry eye disease. Methods Patients were treated with a...

Tratamiento para artroplastías totales de cadera infectadas: 3 tiempos quirúrgicos en un período de hospitalización (técnica T-3/1)

Acta ortop. mex; 30 (4), 2016
Resumen: Antecedentes: El impacto de una infección articular periprotésica crónica, la variabilidad en los índices de recidiva y la falta de consenso en cuanto a cuál es la mejor forma para tratarla obligan a buscar alternativas. ¿Tiene la alternativa aquí propuesta una tasa de recidiva al menos...