Results: 5174

Ureterocalycostomy - final resort in the management of secondary pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction: our experience

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT: Ureterocalycostomy can be performed in patients in whom desired methods of treating secondary PUJ (Pelvi-Ureteric Junction) obstructions either failed or could not be used. In our study, one child and two adults in whom one redo-ureterocalycostomy and two ureterocalycostomies were performed for...

Safety and feasibility of radiofrequency ablation for treatment of Bosniak IV renal cysts

Int. braz. j. urol; 42 (3), 2016
ABSTRACT Purpose To describe our initial experience with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of Bosniak IV renal cysts. Materials and Methods From 2010 to 2014, 154 renal tumor cases were treated with percutaneous thermal ablation, of which 10 cases (6.4%) from nine patients were complex renal cysts and we...

Uso de tirotropina recombinante humana (rhTSH) en rastreo corporal total con radioyodo (131 I), en pacientes con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides intolerante a la suspención de levotiroxina y con sospecha de recurrencia

INTRODUCCIÓN: Antecedentes: El presente dictamen expone la evaluación de tecnología del uso de la tirotropina alfa o tirotropina recombinante humana (rhTSH, por su nombre en inglés) como preparación para realizar un rastreo corporal total (RCT) con radioyodo. Esta evaluación específica para pacien...

Efeitos da irradiação de força contralateral na extensão de punho de pacientes após acidente vascular cerebral

Rev. bras. neurol; 52 (2), 2016
FUNDAMENTO: Um dos princípios de irradiação de força da facilitação neuromuscular proprioceptiva (FNP) é estimular a musculatura fraca, a partir da resistência da musculatura forte, contribuindo para o aprendizado motor. Por esta razão, este procedimento básico tem sido utilizado em pacientes a...

Avaliação dos membros superiores na doença de Parkinson: implicações para a Reabilitação Física

Rev. bras. neurol; 52 (2), 2016
A doença de Parkinson é uma desordem neurológica com impacto negativo na motricidade e qualidade de vida dos pacientes. O comprometimento motor inclui dificuldades para a marcha, equilíbrio e atividades de vida diária. Contudo, pouca atenção é dada aos aspectos de avaliação e reabilitação fí...

¿Cómo tratar las leucemias mieloides agudas (LMA) en mayores de 60 años?
How to treat acute myeloid leukemias (AML) in over 60 years old?

Resultados de la electrólisis percutánea intratisular en el dolor en el hombro: infraespinoso, un ensayo controlado aleatorio
Results of the Electrolysis Percutaneous Intratissue in the shoulder pain: infraspinatus, A Randomized Controlled Trial

Background: The Electrolysis Percutaneous Intratissue (EPI®) is a novel technique that provokes a local inflammatory process, allowing the phagocytises and affected tissue to repair. Objectives: The work is aimed to: a) verify the effectiveness of the EPI® when there is shoulder pain, b) locate where t...

Feed of Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, (Regan, 1910) in open pond: live and formulated diets

Braz. j. biol; 76 (2), 2016
Abstract The growth rate and percent survival of Betta splendens when submitted to formulated diet and live food treatments are evaluated. The three different diets were used and designated as: formulated diet (basal diet); live food diet (plankton) and mixed diet (formulated diet with plankton). The liv...

Hyaluronic acid covers in burn treatment: a systematic review

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP; 50 (3), 2016
Abstract OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effectiveness of hyaluronic acid in the healing of partial thickness burns. METHOD Systematic review of randomized controlled trials on the use of hyaluronic acid for the topical treatment of skin burns, based on recommendations of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic...