Results: 3070

Eficacia del cementado indirecto
Indirect bonding efficiency

Rev. Círc. Argent. Odontol; 79 (229), 2021
La aparición de aparatología preadjustada ha colaborado en la efectividad de los tratamientos de ortodoncia, pero para que la expresión de esta aparatología se logre, es necesario una correcta colocación de los brackets y la permanencia de estos en boca durante todo el tratamiento. La precisión en ...

Análisis comparativo in vitro de la resistencia adhesiva al cizallamiento de brackets metálicos adheridos a superficies dentarias tratadas con diferentes agentes blanqueadores

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Evaluar y comparar el efecto de tres agentes blanqueadores en la resistencia adhesiva al cizallamiento de brackets metálicos. Método: Se cementaron 76 brackets en premolares humanos extraídos por indicación de ortodoncia. Se establecieron 4 grupos: (0) control, (1) esmalte tratado ...

Análise físico-química de balas duras e mastigáveis e o seu efeito desmineralizante em esmalte bovino

RFO UPF; 26 (1), 2021
Objetivo: avaliar o potencial cariogênico de balas duras e mastigáveis e seu potencial desmineralizante em esmalte bovino. Métodos: foram selecionadas 30 balas de diferentes marcas, divididas em balas duras (n=11), Tic Tac®, Halls® e IceKiss®, e balas mastigáveis (n=19), Lílith®, Azedinha®, Men...

Investigação do potencial erosivo de gomas de mascar não convencionais

RFO UPF; 26 (1), 2021
Objetivo: mensurar o potencial erosivo de gomas de mascar não convencionais disponíveis no mercado brasileiro. Material e método: estudo experimental (in vitro) de caráter quantitativo. Foram adquiridos oito sabores de gomas de mascar: Poosh® (pinta língua); Plutonita® (abraço conge...

Excess Calcium, Magnesium and Phosphorus Deposition in the Epigastric Artery of Dialysis Patients Undergoing Renal Transplantation

West Indian med. j; 69 (1), 2021
ABSTRACT Objective: Vascular calcification contributes to cardiovascular disease on dialysis patients. Arterial mineral content is modified but not well defined. We aim to define what is the concentration of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the epigastric artery of adult dialysis patients undergoing...

Extract from Arrabidaea chica (Fridericia chica) leaves show preventive action for the mitigation of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity

A doxorrubicina (dox) é um medicamento antineoplásico que induz cardiotoxicidade por estresse oxidativo. Os flavonoides são antioxidantes extraídos de plantas como Camellia sinensis e Arrabidaea chica (Fridericia chica). Esta pesquisa objetivou avaliar efeitos protetores do extrato de A. chica (AC), ...

Evaluation of tissue repair using phytotherapeutic gel from Plectranthus neochilus, Schlechter (boldo-gambá) and Cnidoscolus quercifolius Pohl (favela) in Wistar rats

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a gel formulation from the association of Plectranthus neochilus and Cnidoscolus quercifolius on tissue repair in cutaneous wounds in rats. A surgical wound was induced in 35 Wistar rats and treated according to group: G1 - commercial phytothe...

Effect of protein supplementation on yield and milk composition of F1 Holstein x Zebu cows kept in deferred pasture of brachiaria grass

The objective of this study was to evaluate different supplementation strategies concentrated to F1 Holstein x Zebu lactating cows managed in deferred signal grass pasture on the yield and composition of milk and body weight gain. Thirty six F1 Holstein x Zebu cows with an average lactation period of 267...

H2S is synthesized via CBS/CSE pathway and triggered by cold conditions during Agaricus bisporus storage

BACKGROUND: H2S is proved to be functioning as a signaling molecule in an array of physiological processes in the plant and animal kingdom. However, the H2S synthesis pathway and the responses to cold conditions remain unclear in postharvest mushroom. RESULTS: The biosynthesis of H2S in the Agaricus bisp...

Inhibition of preadipocyte differentiation by Lycium barbarum polysaccharide treatment in 3T3-L1 cultures

BACKGROUND: Lycium barbarum (also called wolfberry), a famous Chinese traditional medicine and food ingredient, is well recognized for its significant role in preventing obesity; however, the molecular mechanisms underlying its preventive effects on fat accumulation are not well understood yet. The aim o...