Results: 815

Educational technologies on sexually transmitted infections for incarcerated women

Objective: to analyze in the scientific literature the educational technologies on sexually transmitted infections used in health education for incarcerated women. Method: an integrative review carried out by searching for articles in the following databases: Scopus, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Alli...

The imaginary of families of schoolchildren on everyday health promotion

Texto & contexto enferm; 29 (spe), 2020
ABSTRACT Objective: to understand the imaginary of families on health promotion, as well as its limits and strengths in the family routine. Method: a qualitative research of the descriptive-exploratory type. It was conducted with 12 families whose children attend a Municipal preschool and elementary ed...

Social networks as tools for the prevention and promotion of health among youth

Psicol. reflex. crit; 33 (), 2020
Abstract The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICT) has generated a number of research questions, related to their use and potential risk, but also potentials for prevention or health promotion. Online social networks have become an important source of information for users as well...

Vitamina D: una estrategia profiláctica en tiempos del SARS-CoV-2. Vitamina D, SARS-CoV-2 y odontología

Acta odontol. Colomb. (En linea); 10 (Supl. Covid-19), 2020
Objetivo: ofrecer a todo el personal de salud oral un resumen narrativo de la literatura sobre la relación entre el uso de la vitamina D y la COVID-19, a través de la presentación de los beneficios de este suplemento. Se espera aportar a ampliar el conocimiento sobre esta sustancia orgánica, en ...

The role of cultural engagement for older adults: an integrative review of scientific literature

Abstract Objective: to understand the role of cultural engagement in the lives of older adults. Method: an integrative literature review of publications from 2014 and 2019 in English, Portuguese, and Spanish was conducted. The Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE/PubMed, CINAHL, PsycNET®, LILACS, SciELO Ci...

Assessment of the quality of a software application for the prevention of skin lesions in newborns*

Objective: to assess the technical quality of a mobile application to support the nurse's decision to prevent skin lesions in hospitalized newborns, according to the Product Quality Model. Method: a methodological study for technological assessment. The 20 evaluators, divided into two groups, 10 nurse...

Comportamento suicida e estratégias de prevenção sob a ótica de professores

RESUMO Objetivo Analisar conhecimentos sobre comportamento suicida e estratégias de prevenção adotadas por professores do ensino fundamental. Método Estudo qualitativo, apoiado na pesquisa-ação, realizado em escola pública do município de Teresina, Piauí, Brasil. Participaram nove professores ...

Erisipela em mulheres com câncer de mama seguidas em um serviço de reabilitação

Estudo transversal que buscou analisar a ocorrência de erisipela em mulheres com câncer de mama. Foi desenvolvido em um núcleo de reabilitação e incluídas, por conveniência, 84 mulheres com câncer de mama. Observou-se que 19% das participantes apresentaram sinais e sintomas de erisipela. Os sinai...

Cumplimiento de una estrategia de higiene de las manos en ambientes asistenciales

Investig. enferm; 22 (), 2020
Introducción: Si bien la higiene de las manos es la medida más importante en la mitigación del riesgo biológico en ambientes hospitalarios, evidencia científica muestra un escaso cumplimiento de las recomendaciones entre los trabajadores asistenciales. Objetivo: Evaluar el cumplimiento de cinco dime...

Estilos de vida y características sociodemográficas de adolescentes de cinco instituciones educativas

Rev. cienc. cuidad; 17 (1), 2020
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre estilos de vida y características sociodemográficas de adolescentes escolarizados en dos subregiones del departamento de Sucre. Colombia. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional. La muestra correspondió a 427 estudiantes de básic...