Results: 5435

Profile of Brazilian workers victims of occupational accidents with biological fluids

ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize the Brazilian workers victims of occupational accidents with biological fluids. Method: Epidemiological and descriptive research, in which 284,877 notifications of the Notifiable Diseases Information System were analyzed between 2007 and 2014. We used Stata 13 for da...

Exposure source prevalence is associated with gender in hepatitis C virus patients from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz; 112 (9), 2017
BACKGROUND Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a worldwide public health problem. A characterisation of the differences in exposure sources among genders will enable improvements in surveillance actions. METHODS Exposure data were obtained for 1180 confirmed HCV cases Brazil's mandatory reporting to ...

Suicide and meteorological factors in São Paulo, Brazil, 1996-2011: a time series analysis

Objective: Considering the scarcity of reports from intertropical latitudes and the Southern Hemisphere, we aimed to examine the association between meteorological factors and suicide in São Paulo. Method: Weekly suicide records stratified by sex were gathered. Weekly averages for minimum, mean, and ma...

Amphetamine-type stimulant use and conditional paths of consumption: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey

Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate nationally representative prevalence rates of amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) use and to identify consumption-associated factors, proposing a conditional model of direct and indirect consumption paths. Method: Using data from the Second Brazilian Nationa...

Association between dietary patterns and mental disorders in pregnant women in Southern Brazil

Objective: To evaluate the association between dietary patterns and mental disorders among pregnant women in southern Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 712 pregnant women recruited from the Study of Food Intake and Eating Behaviors in Pregnancy (ECCAGe). Food intake assessment was performed us...

Association of weight control behaviors with body mass index and weight-based self-evaluation

Objective: To determine the frequency of weight control behaviors (WCBs) and their correlation with body mass index (BMI) and weight-based self-evaluation. Methods: Data were collected by the Brazilian Internet Study on Temperament and Psychopathology (BRAINSTEP) from 27,501 volunteers (30.4% men, mean ...

Homicídios de mulheres nas distintas regiões brasileiras nos últimos 35 anos: análise do efeito da idade-período e coorte de nascimento

Resumo Objetivou-se analisar o efeito da idade-período e do coorte de nascimento (APC) nos homicídios em mulheres. Estudo ecológico, que analisou os registros de óbitos por agressão em mulheres com 10 ou mais anos, nas regiões geográficas brasileiras, entre 1980 a 2014. Os dados foram extraídos d...

Família e negligência: uma análise do conceito de negligência na infância

Resumo O objetivo do artigo é problematizar as denominações de negligências direcionadas às famílias no contexto de práticas de cuidados consideradas insuficientes ou inadequadas para crianças e adolescentes. A reflexão é parte de um estudo prévio que analisou como o conceito de negligência ...

Violência sexual na adolescência, perfil da vítima e impactos sobre a saúde mental

Resumo Este trabalho objetiva analisar os impactos do abuso sexual na adolescência sobre variáveis relacionadas à saúde mental e identificar as características das vítimas. Para tanto, utiliza-se a metodologia do Propensity Score Matching a partir dos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Es...