Results: 1629

Niveles de ansiedad-rasgo en estudiantes de la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador
Trait anxiety levels in students of the Dentistry career of the Central University of Ecuador

Rev. Eugenio Espejo; 15 (3), 2021
La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de describir el nivel de ansiedad-rasgo en estudiantes de la carrera de Odontología de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, mediante un estudio descriptivo transversal que involucró a 293 estudiantes universitarios de sép...

Brief online behavioral cognitive intervention for anxiety symptoms: what was learned during and for after the pandemic period?

Cognitive therapies comprise a widely recognized group of psychological interventions with considerable empirical support for different mental health conditions. These interventions can be used both in a traditional clinical setting and in crisis situations, especially those involving self-perception of ...

Psicoterapia de base fenomenológica-existencial frente ao medo e à angústia como tonalidades afetivas no contexto Pandêmico da Covid-19
Phenomenological-existential psychotherapy in confronting fear and anguish as affective tones in the Pandemic context of Covid-19

Esse trabalho visa mostrar em que medida a psicoterapia de base fenomenológica-existencial lida com as tonalidades afetivas do medo e da angústia em tempos de pandemia. Para realizar essa tarefa, os objetivos específicos foram: i) explicar a tonalidade afetiva do medo e da angústia a partir da fenome...

Abuso sexual infantil, trauma e depressão na vida adulta: um estudo de caso

Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar e analisar a associação entre os acontecimentos traumáticos na infância - em especial o abuso sexual - e o transtorno depressivo. Fundamenta-se principalmente nos pressupostos psicanalíticos de Winnicott, Ferenczi e Masud Khan. Trata-se de um estudo de caso ...

Reincorporación de trabajadores recuperados COVID-19 y COVID persistente en la industria metalmecánica en Lima Perú 2021

El COVID persistente se caracteriza por síntomas y secuelas funcionales y psicológicas que persisten por más de 12 semanas post infección, tales como: fatiga, disnea, ansiedad, depresión; generando inconvenientes en la reanudación de actividades laborales de los trabajadores. Se realizó un estudio...

The potential impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child growth and development: a systematic review

J. pediatr. (Rio J.); 97 (4), 2021
Abstract Objective This was a systematic review of studies that examined the impact of epidemics or social restriction on mental and developmental health in parents and children/adolescents. Source of data The PubMed, WHO COVID-19, and SciELO databases were searched on March 15, 2020, and on April 25, ...

Endurance and high-intensity interval training improve the levels of anxiety and quality of life in overweight men

SUMMARY OBJECTIVE Body mass index (BMI) values of 25 kg/m2 or more have been associated with poor cognitive outcomes, reduced health-related quality of life (HRQoL), and mental health disorders. Participating in regular exercise may improve these negative outcomes. However, the optimal exercise prescrip...

Catastrophization is related to the patient and not to the severity of migraine

Arq. neuropsiquiatr; 79 (8), 2021
ABSTRACT Background: Catastrophization is a psychological aspect of pain that alters its perception and expression. Objective: To investigate the feature of catastrophization in migraine. Methods: An online survey of individuals suffering from migraine attacks at least twice a month, for at least one ...

Síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés ante COVID-19 en una unidad de medicina familiar

Introducción: la pandemia por COVID-19 ha venido a cambiar nuestra forma de vida, modificando completamente hasta la forma de convivencia, lo cual puede llevar a cualquier persona a padecer ansiedad, estrés o depresión, ya sea por miedo a contagiarse, a perder a los seres queridos o simplemente por es...

Benign and Malicious Envy Scale: cross-cultural adaptation and validity evidence for adolescents

Psicol. teor. prát; 23 (2), 2021
Although there are few Brazilian studies on this subject, envy is a universal phenomenon present in the cultural and social spheres. This research aimed to conduct a cross-cultural adaptation to Brazilian Portuguese and to evaluate validity evidence for the Benign and Malicious Envy Scale (BeMaS), a meas...