Seeks to address some of the issues of women and health within a framework that would help us see that the development of our health systems as we know and experience them in the Caribbean have emerged out of a historical cultural/idelogical context that has given shape to much of what we now have...
Paper states that based on a collection of over twenty ethnographic interviews of informants selected from a national sample of Jamaicans, "How we were grown" examines three issues, 1) sexual socialisation and value formation; 2) the establishment and maintenance of multiple relations; and (3) the use an...
El «mal de ojo» tiene su etiología en el deseo canalizado, potenciado por la mirada, justamente cuando este deseo, expresado en la necesidad de tocar no satisfecha, no se concreta en la realidad. El deseo, la envidia y la admiración son los elementos presentes asociados a la mirada, y a través de é...
Foi investigado um sistema discriminativo relacionado à psicolingüística a ser aplicado no Programa Centro de Educação e Alimentação de Pré-Escolar (CEAPE). Optou-se por explorar a representação espacial por meio de sistemas lingüístico e pictórico. A amostra estudada foi constituída de 105...