Results: 6643

Guia de apoio à tomada de decisão para o acolhimento com identificação de necessidades das Unidades de Saúde da Atenção Básica: vol. 1

The discursive production of professionals about humanizing health: singularity, rights and ethics

Objective: to describe the discursive production of professionals about the humanization of health.Method: qualitative study of descriptive approach, inspired by the social representation theory, with 24 professionals in the healthcare field, working in a university hospital with the established humaniza...

Comparative study: TQ and Lean Production ownership models in health services

Objective: compare the application of Total Quality (TQ) models used in processes of a health service, cases of lean healthcare and literature from another institution that has also applied this model.Method: this is a qualitative research that was conducted through a descriptive case study.Results:throu...

Monitoreo de la Política Andina de Planificación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos en Salud

Los países andinos aprobaron en la REMSAA XXXIII de Noviembre del 2012 la Política Andina de Planificación y Gestión de Recursos Humanos en Salud y su plan de acción 2013-2017. Para medir los progresos en la implementación de esta política el ORASCONHU consideró que era necesario construir un sis...

Estrategia municipios y comunidade saludables

La estrategia Familias, Comunidades y Municipios Saludables es una estrategia que fomenta la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS/OMS) y sus fundamentos básicos se sustentan en la Declaración de la Carta de Ottawa presentada en la Primera Conferencia Internacional para la Promoción de la Salud,...

Physical therapists' role in prevention and management of patellar tendinopathy injuries in youth, collegiate, and middle-aged indoor volleyball athletes

ABSTRACTPatellar tendinopathy is highly prevalent in all ages and skill levels of volleyball athletes. To illustrate this, we discuss the clinical, biomechanical, and ultrasound imaging presentation and the intervention strategies of three volleyball athletes at different stages of their athletic career:...

Factors associated with the patient safety climate at a teaching hospital

Objectives: to investigate the association between the scores of the patient safety climate and socio-demographic and professional variables.Methods: an observational, sectional and quantitative study, conducted at a large public teaching hospital. The Safety Attitudes Questionnaire was used, translated ...

Parent-assessed quality of life among adolescents undergoing orthodontic treatment: a 12-month follow-up

Objective: To assess parents' and caregivers' view of the first twelve months of adolescents' orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances and to assess the evaluative properties of the Brazilian version of the Parental-Caregiver Perceptions Questionnaire (P-CPQ) in the orthodontic setting.Methods:Data fr...

Primary Health Care Evaluation: the view of clients and professionals about the Family Health Strategy

Objective: to evaluate the attributes of primary health care as for access; longitudinality; comprehensiveness; coordination; family counseling and community counseling in the Family Health Strategy, triangulating and comparing the views of stakeholders involved in the care process.Method: evaluative res...