Results: 1019

Motivation and difficulties to reduce or quit smoking

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand what factors motivate people to reduce or stop tobacco use and what difficulties they face in this process. Method: Qualitative, empirical and interpretative research that used a focal group technique for data collection and Discourse Analysis as a theoretical referenc...

Development of middle-range theories in nursing

ABSTRACT Objective: To identify in the literature how Middle-Range Theories (MRT) are being developed in Nursing. Method: Integrative review on the databases Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences), Scopus, Cinahl (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), W...

The intersection between being a nurse and being a therapist in Mental Health

ABSTRACT Objective: to discuss the intersection between being a nurse/being a therapist in the mental health field. Method: exploratory, qualitative study based on a self-report interview conducted with ten nurses from a psychiatric hospital in Rio de Janeiro between June and July 2017. Data were analy...

Discourse of psychoactive substance dependents on their discursively constructed image

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the discourse of psychoactive substance users undergoing treatment regarding their image of themselves as drug dependent subjects, of other dependents and the social position assumed by them. Method: qualitative study conducted between March and September of 2016 through ...

Implementation of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for sepsis detection

ABSTRACT Objectives: to present the nurses' experience with technological tools to support the early identification of sepsis. Methods: experience report before and after the implementation of artificial intelligence algorithms in the clinical practice of a philanthropic hospital, in the first half of ...

Nursing work in assisted human reproduction: between technology and humanization

ABSTRACT Objectives: To analyze the social representations of nurses who work with assisted human reproduction about the operation with reproductive biotechnologies. Methods: Qualitative approach, supported by the Theory of Social Representations, with sixteen participants. Individual, semi-structured...

Nursing care provided to persons deprived of liberty in the hospital environment

ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the nursing care provided to people deprived of liberty (PDL) in the hospital environment. Methods: An exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach, conducted with 38 nursing professionals in three regional hospitals located in the Northeast of Brazil, betw...

Organizational culture: prevention, treatment, and risk management of pressure injury

ABSTRACT Objectives: To identify the facilitating and complicating factors for the prevention and treatment of pressure injury (PI) in the management of hospitalized patient care. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, conducted with 197 nursing professionals in three public hospitals. Results: Amo...

Health education in Aedes aegypti: case study

ABSTRACT Objectives: Reporting the experience of health education regarding Aedes aegypti in the Federal District. Methods: This is a case report, with descriptive approach, about the experience of nursing practice with education actions against the Aedes aegypti in communities of the Federal District,...

Nurse as an integrator in healthcare management of children with chronic condition

ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the practice of the nurse in healthcare management of children with chronic condition in the hospital setting. Methods: analytical study of qualitative approach with theoretical and methodological reference of institutional ethnography. Developed in the pediatric unit...